Horrific abuse case -- please write

    • Gold Top Dog
    Nfowler,  here is the story, the pics are pretty bad so if you don't want to see them, here is the story.  Here is also the link to the petition for her, I signed it, but it's on the original link.

    Puppy scalded by acid draws worldwide anger
    By [email=cwelch@seattletimes.com]Craig Welch[/email]
    Seattle Times staff reporter
    Animal advocates from around the world have expressed their outrage over the treatment of a pit-bull puppy in Federal Way that had to be euthanized after it was burned with acid over most of its body.
    Pasado's Safe Haven, a nonprofit animal rescue and rehabilitation center in Sultan, said it continues to receive angry calls and e-mails from around the United States, Canada and Europe about the 4-month-old puppy whose body, face, mouth and paws were so severely scalded that veterinarians could not save it.
    "We literally have been getting more than 80,000 hits an hour on our Web site," said Susan Michaels, Pasado's co-founder. "This case has struck a real chord."
    A concerned neighbor brought the wounded female puppy named Mooie to Valley Animal Hospital of Auburn on March 10 after learning it had apparently been dumped in a backyard in Federal Way where children were playing.
    "I've seen animals burned, tied up by their legs, thrown up against walls so their heads were smashed, but I'd never seen anything like this," said veterinarian Ivy Engstrom. "This was one of the worst things I have ever seen."
    Up to 80 percent of the dog's skin was burned. Engstrom feared its intestines had been destroyed by whatever it ingested.
    "This poor baby would have needed all of its skin transplanted. There was just nothing left to save."
    The burns were so powerful that a hazardous-materials team eventually responded to the vet's office because workers were having trouble breathing, and experiencing rashes and burning on their arms and necks.
    Investigators told Engstrom they thought it was a type of acid that can be used for cleaning concrete, such as in a swimming pool, but that may sometimes be used in the manufacture of methamphetamine.
    Engstrom, frustrated that authorities didn't appear to be taking the case as seriously as she hoped, contacted Michaels. Both said they were later disappointed to hear that Federal Way police and King County Animal Control each thought the other agency was responsible for investigating the animal cruelty, which is a felony.
    Attempts to reach officials at both agencies were unsuccessful Saturday night.
    Regardless, Pasado's Safe Haven offered a $10,000 reward for information about how the animal was burned. Outraged callers and e-mailers have increased that to more than $15,000.
    Pasado's co-founder Mark Steinway has been conducting his own investigation.
    He, Michaels and Engstrom also were upset that authorities cremated the dog, rather than perform a necropsy.
    "As far as we're concerned that was mistake No. 1; you don't destroy the only evidence in a case," Steinway said. "Now there's literally no way to determine what caused the burns on that puppy unless you talk to the vet or determine it through photographs. Right now, we fear too much time has gone by."
    Steinway said it's important to take these cases seriously — not just for the animal's sake but also because such cruelty may portend violence to people.
    "Anyone who would do this to an innocent puppy probably wouldn't hesitate to do something to a human being," he said.
    • Bronze
    Oops, I am so sorry, all -- I posted this and didn't check back to see if anyone wanted the print-only story without images. Sorry, middle-aged memory to blame here!

    Okay, also from Emma's Mom, here it is, and thank you all for any actions you took:

    Here is the bulk of the print part of the request for help (images deleted).

    What you need to do NOW:
    E-mail all of the local media and ask them investigate this case. If you have a connection with "60 Minutes" or "Dateline", please forward this webpage (and the photos).
    Media only: Please call 425-269-3621 (DO NOT CALL THIS NUMBER UNLESS YOU ARE MEDIA)

    Talking Points:

    -Tell them your name and where you live (what city and state - we want them to know that the country, and possibly the world, is watching this case)
    -Ask them to seek answers from the Federal Way Police Chief and KCAC as to why the potential suspect's backyard isn't being tested when Federal Way P.D. Lt. Hock suspected chemical stains were present?
    -Ask them to find out why the P.D. or KCAC aren't conducting a warranted search inside the house, inside a shed under the carport, inside their vehicles?
    -Why are they wasting time when evidence can be destroyed?
    -Find out why a felony case (possibly a double felony case involving both animal cruelty and meth-amphetamine production) was referred to an animal control entity and not pursued by them?
    -Ask them to find out why King County Animal Control doesn't have a protocol for handling evidence in Felony animal cruelty cases.

    Send the smae e-mail to each of the following: (Despite being accused of being "adversarial" we still, as always, ask that you be polite when you write. Demand to know answers but do not use unprofessional or incendiary language. Remember, you're representing this little puppy - you are her voice.)

    Federal Way Police Chief Ann Kirkpatrick
    Walt Washington, Manager of King County Animal Services and Programs
    Ron Simms, King County Executive (Walt Washington's boss)

    Tacoma News-Tribune

    The Seattle Times
    dboardman@seattletimes.com (managing news editor)

    The King County Journal Newspapers

    The Federal Way Mirror

    Rita Morgan (Pasado's National Coordinator who is monitoring all communications on this tragic issue)

    And if you haven't done what we've asked below, please do ASAP! THANK YOU!

    Who is watching the watchers? (“Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?”)

    When Animal Control, those charged with protecting defenseless animals, deliberately destroy vital evidence related to the most egregious act of animal cruelty possible, we have to ask ourselves “Who is watching the watchers?”

    The following questions need to be asked, and answered: (Talking Points)
    • Why would King County Animal Services cremate the remains of a puppy tortured to death with acid? Surely they know full-well that information gleaned from necropsy and toxicology reports are the corner-stone of any prosecutor#%92s case against a perpetrator?
    • Why shouldn#%92t we expect a professional and appropriate protocol for handling physical evidence in animal cruelty cases? Would authorities discard such evidence in a human-related case?
    •When a Vet Clinic regrets ever having turned over an animal's body to the "proper authorities", is it time to question the authorities' ability to do its job?
    •Do we want the person capable of such a hideous act of cruelty freely roaming the streets of our cities and towns among our pets and children?

    In our experience, this is not the first time that King County Animal Services has undermined an animal cruelty case by bungling the handling of evidence. We have witnessed their inaction in the other animal cruelty and animal neglect cases and we think, with your help, it#%92s time to bring attention to this problem. Let#%92s make this the last time King County Animal Services are allowed to shirk their duty.

    Using the talking points above, please file a complaint, using polite language, against King County Animal Services by contacting Walt Washington, Manager of King County Animal Services and Programs at walt.washington@metrokc.gov.

    Then write to their boss Ron Simms, King County Executive, at exec.sims@metrokc.gov and the King County Council athttp://www.metrokc.gov/comments/council_comment.cfm asking that they insist the King County Animal Services vigorously investigate animal cruelty cases and take the appropriate and necessary measures to secure evidence related to animal cruelty cases.

    Ron Simms has been a true friend to the animals in the past. He was a strong advocate for Ordinance 123, one of the most progressive spay and neuter programs in the country, and we#%92re sure that he#%92ll want to know your concerns on this matter.

    Let#%92s do this for a little puppy named Mooie, and for all the poor creatures that depend on us to do the right thing.
    • Bronze
    OMG. I can't understand monsters such as these!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 
    I'm just so frick'n pi**ed off! and upset..and ...just in tears over this story, the photos, the CRUELTY that some are capable of ...and for WHAT? What could this innocent little pup possibly have done to spur this type of action? NONE! Some humans are just freaks of nature, and just need to be "put down". Honestly!
    If I caught whomever was responsible for this despicable crime, I'd have only ONE type of just punishment for them..... a BATH in the same acid that they used on that puppy. Plain...simple...and cost effectlive. No jail time. Nothing. I think the acid would be enough. If they survive, great. If they don't, ...oh well.
    I'm so livid right now, and couldn't even figure out where to sign the petition, so if someone can point out the link, I'd be greatful.
    This is just sickening.....!!!
    Thanks for bringing this article to our attention. This is the first I've heard of it. My stomach is lurching, and my heart just aches for that poor little puppy! :(  I've never seen anything like it!! :(
    • Gold Top Dog
    What concerns me more is this: was this just a test run for something worse?  What if a person is next? What if more of these pups turn up??  I can't begin to imagine what kind of filth clouded someone's mind to do this to a living creature.  This is a precursor to something even more awful.   [sm=cry.gif] ;Psychologists talk about 'people' who hurt animals like this end up doing similar/worse to people.  At this very moment that person is out there somewhere.  Who or what does this person have access to?  Makes me shake.