Do you think she's too skinny?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Her crop is great!  She has a gorgeous head, & I love those eyes.  She has such a sweet, innocent face. 

    I had to feed Bev at least 3 times a day.  His ribs would show & his backbone would stick up when he was eating twice a day.  Shortly after starting 3 times a day feedings, he started picking up weight & filling out.  Of course, that may have been a coincidence.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think she looks great, but like others have said, I like leaner puppies rather than heavier puppies anyway.  She's such a gorgeous girl!  We definitely need more frequent pictures of her. [:)

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    I love her head and eyes, too!

    The first pic, I immediately thought "but she's running - and maybe even sniffing, thus inhaling" - which always puffs out the chest.  The other pics she looks fine.

    I fed Gracie 3x/day as well (wasn't at 2x/day for a number of months) and G ended up self-regulating (ie, not eating more than she wanted/needed in a feeding.)  Maybe it's coincidence, but if it's possible I'll get the same results with another puppy, it seems worthwhile to try again.