The lighter side of politics....republicans might not like this one

    • Gold Top Dog


    Personal comments have no place on this thread...that includes those suggesting members "grow up". ALL folks posting are subject to edit...bear in mind that you are responsible for the words you choose to characterize other members and their opinions.


    • Gold Top Dog


    McCain campaign can come up with in the last weeks before the election is an association to an aging, bomb throwing hippy

    That's unrepentant domestic terrorist. He bombed the Pentagon and several installations of the New York City Police Dept. It's not romantic, it's terrorism. In case you didn't know, that's where innocent people die because someone didn't have the patience to get their point across the legitimate way.


    Thanks, but I know what terrorism is.  I have a step brother who is a special forces officer who is currently over in Afghanistan fighting them--even after being badly injured.  And yes, compared to the hardcore people that he is fighting and who are actively trying to kill him over there, Ayers is an aging, bomb-throwing hippie.

    • Gold Top Dog

    So, it's only a good sense of humor if you are blasting Palin but no one is allowed to have a sense of humor with Obama?

    Sounds like worship to me and that is not meant to be mean-spirited. Heck, I laugh at myself all the time. And I think McCain can be arrogant at times. I enjoy the jabs at Palin. And Obama's in the race so he is just as suitable a target for laughs as someone else. He does not walk on water.

    Here's another joke for you. I made it up, too. You only need one voter registration number to vote for Obama. 666.

    Are you laughing, yet?

    How about a new slogan? A vote for Obama is a vote for Iran. I made that up, too.

    Not even a snicker? I guess I need to work on it before going to Vegas.

    I'l tell you what's really funny. It's the idea that a politician can and will deliver everything they promise in a campaign.

    A politician talks and makes promises to sway you. Then they win. Between election and inauguration, they undergo briefings and an education with a shear vertical learning "curve." And the two states of knowledge are literally worlds apart.

    Palin won't be able to start drilling in the Gulf even though I would like to see that, just because she and I think it's a good idea. And Obama won't get the tax plan he wants just because endless people are willing to defend it, even to the point of taking my money away from me.

    But we act like it's reality. Now, that's hilarious.


    I just saw the mod's note, which was posted while I was posting this reply. So, I'm offensive, condescending, etc. Very well.

    I could expect this post to get edited or red inked. But I have certainly learned things, which is always valuable.


    • Gold Top Dog


    So, it's only a good sense of humor if you are blasting Palin but no one is allowed to have a sense of humor with Obama?.

    Could it be because there's absolutely nothing humorous at all about terrorism or the implication that someone is involved in it?  All that nonsense does is stir up the crazies. Honestly ... is there nothing else about Obama that you could find to make a joke about?


    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks for your response on the taxes issue, Ron. Honestly I don't know quite where I stand - I don't have a strong background in economics and don't have a strong feeling one way or another. I do think "what ifs" aren't terribly helpful, though. As I understand it, both Obama and McCain's current tax plans would include tax cuts for the middle tax brackets, the difference being that McCain's cut would be bigger.

    As for what's humorous and what's not... I'm not opposed to making fun of Obama and Biden. I thought SNL's digs at Biden were hilarious - "I love John McCain. If I had to spend the rest of my life on a desert island with only one man, it would be John McCain. All I'm saying is the man is dangerously unstable." Biden's been talking like that for months!

    I'm all for making fun of Obama when he misspeaks, or for his funny ears, or for his political beliefs, or for how he responds to questions. (As I recall, his answer that some religious questions were "above his pay grade" got quite a bit of flak, for example, which IMO is totally legit.)

    What I do find offensive is when people make jokes regarding things that I don't find funny - terrorism, race, ethnicity, personal religious beliefs, religious beliefs in general ("God is against your candidate" type stuff, or "your candidate is the devil";), delicate and dangerous international relations ("bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" anyone?)...

    It's not that Obama "walks on water" or is above criticism/satire. It's that what people are choosing to satirize about him is just not funny and should not be used for mockery. IMO, at least.

    • Gold Top Dog


    So, it's only a good sense of humor if you are blasting Palin but no one is allowed to have a sense of humor with Obama?.

    Could it be because there's absolutely nothing humorous at all about terrorism or the implication that someone is involved in it?  All that nonsense does is stir up the crazies. Honestly ... is there nothing else about Obama that you could find to make a joke about?


    Oh Joyce, don't be silly. Of course there is. In the most recent joke he likened Obama and those that vote for him to the devil.

    ETA: The point is, as Cita mentioned, is that "The Lighter Side of Politics" thread has become very serious, very dark, and disturbing.

    • Gold Top Dog


    It's not that Obama "walks on water" or is above criticism/satire. It's that what people are choosing to satirize about him is just not funny and should not be used for mockery. IMO, at least.

    I'm not expecting fairness, anymore, just as you guys would decide what I make or may not make a joke about. But the linked page of Palin in the White House has the red phone causing a thermonuclear holocaust. And that's funny? I'm not the one trying to justify however a weak connection to Ayers by characterizing Ayers as a bomb-throwing hippie, as if it makes that acceptable terrorism. There were quotes about how he can be admired for sticking to his resolve, which others have described as being an unrepentant terrorist.

    Another bit in the Palin page has us drilling for oil with no regard to environment, etc. An unfair judgement but it's humor and, I thought, funny on its own.

    At least someone got my devil joke.

    "I am the anti-christ. I am the anti-christ. I wanna be, Anarchy, in the UK!"

    Here's another one. Obama is creating a tax loophole or shelter for plumbers. Not even the slightest giggle?

    As for the devil joke, I don't mean to say that you guys are devils. But if you wish to take that tack, I can ask what are you trying to say about Palin supporters with the page that is linked? That we're a bunch of oil-drilling uncaring people? Or is it all meant in fun?

    I laugh the hardest at myself. My co-worker, John, normally a staunch democrat, is voting McCain/Palin this time around. He's the one who I was told by someone here that his vote doesn't predict election results. He drew a cartoon at work where I was passing gas and he was passing out. The words underneath, "It's fun to fart on your friends." He made a t-shirt with that on it. And I wore it. I even accidently wore into the grocery store. I thought that was funny.

    I don't think terrorism is funny nor should it be dismissed. Not everyone agrees with me on that (Ayers is just an aging bomb-throwing hippie who is supposed to be admired because he stuck to his ideals). I don't think nuclear war is funny but not everyone agrees with me on that. But sometimes, people make jokes to relieve the stress about what bothers them.

    Sometimes, my humor is mistimed. DWs daughter is vegan. She came down for our wedding. I did not know she was already at our house. I came home from work with some leftover deer link and deer sausage from a co-worker. I walked in the door, saw DW, and said, "Look what I got? Bambi meat." Ba-doomp tsh. The daughter was okay with it. In fact, she's given DW more grief for wearing the Pierre Jardin leather Bomber-style jacket I got for her one Christmas.

    I wasn't trying to make this a political debate. I just thought that humor can go all the way around. Everyone gets some. I enjoy jokes about Bush, too. And I voted for him. I voted for Clinton the first time and I enjoy jokes about him, too.

    ETA: to be fair.

    Do you know the difference between Palin and a shark?


    There's a difference?


    McCain should change his name to McCane because he needs one.

    Is this mic on? Can you hear me in back?

    Remember to tip your waitresses and try the clam chowder.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Ummmm, what happened to a good chuckle over a funny web page?  I'd have chuckled if this had been ANY of the candidates, because it was flat out funny.  But, then, I'm a die hard Red Sox fan so mybe not entirely sane........


    • Gold Top Dog

    OK - here's a slogan for the McSame/Palin ticket:

    "Incontinence and Incompetence - together."
