Posted : 5/6/2008 8:10:10 PM
"Hi Mark, welcome to the forum."
Thank you!
"If you (colloquial) don't care about a breed in particular, go to the shelter and get a mutt. For example, a medium sized female shelter mutt is likely to make a great, intelligent family pet. There are thousands of them already with no need to breed more."
As I have stated, of course shelters, rescues and pounds are a viable option for those seeking pets. They should not however be the only option available!
"If you DO care about a breed, then you wouldn't want to see that breed ruined by too much poor breeding going on either. After all, there are already more than enough dogs."
I do not consider breeding dogs that are healthy, good tempered, intelligent, and friendly dogs to be "poor breeding".
"There are more than enough dogs. If more are planned, it should be for a bally good reason. Just wanting nice intelligent friendly pets is NOT a reason. "
You may not believe that wanting nice intelligent friendly pets is not a sufficient reason to breed but the fact is that is that PETS are the primary reason people on dogs! In other words being a family pet is the prime job of most dogs and as such it make sense to breed dags so that they can full fill their purpose!