I'm sorry but I need to vent

    • Puppy

    I couldn't help but notice that your dogs came from a HUGE puppymill.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I couldn't help but notice that your dogs came from a HUGE puppymill.

    Just in case you didn't notice....this thread is about 2 years old.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes, this was my post quite a long time ago.  We have wonderful healthy Border Collies!  Actually a few of my friends do also that got their pups from the same breeder.  Our breeder is one of the nicest, God fearing gentleman around, he also has started a rescue to save BC's from owners who buy on impluse.

    Be careful before you try to judge!!! 


    • Gold Top Dog

    I know this is an old thread, but recent posts require some additional information.  The "gentleman" who bred two of Bordercolliemom's dogs was actually kicked out of the ABCA for his unethical breeding practices a while back and I personally know someone who rescued one of his studs (in exchange for supplies I believe) from the back of a dark barn; the dog had untreated injuries/allergies and horribly matted and dirty fur at the time of rescue.

    See: http://www.abcbordercollies.com/ for more on the ABCA's actions.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Moderator speaking...

    General notice,

    This thread is to remain on topic. Personal inquiries/comments should be sent via PM. Remember our forum rules and if you have questions or concerns contact a moderator or admin.

    Thanks all

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am not here to start an arguement either way!  I am just saying that other people have bought his dogs and they are extremely healthy, wonderful Border Collies.  I did talk to a woman who drove down from New YOrk to get her puppy to his place last year and said it could of been a little cleaner, but his heart and program was in the right place.  He loved the dogs.  He told me about the ABCA, there is always two sides to every coin, first let me preface this with " I DO NOT condone horrible living for dogs".  There was a problem with an apparent employee, who got ABCA involved.  This man could not afford an attorney to fight the ABCA.  As for the ABCA I had a conversation with them, very rude, also they do not believe that BC's should be used for anything orther than herding.  Sorry I totally disagree with them on the matter!  As for Richard, his website is www.allaroundbordercollies.com   My judgement to him is all of his pictures and testamonials!  Sorry you just can't make that many of them up, they had to come from someone!  THe ABCA thing happened 4 years ago, I always give people the benefit that they can change for the better.

    Oh and my boys are the best!  very smart, extremely great disc dog competitors and the most loving family pets!     

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm posting something in the breed forum.