Posted : 3/3/2015 10:35:52 AM
Spring in MN. School closings all around us. A couple inches of snow-no problem. Ad in 40mph winds and you have a blizzard. Have you ever driven in a ground blizzard? You can see the stars, the tops of telephone poles, but not the road in front of you. If it's a good blizzard, you may not see the front of your car. A good day to stay in, and admire what the cabinet maker got installed yesterday.
This kid does good work. I told him upfront that if he needed help. I would help. If he didn't need help. I would be somewhere else. I never really enjoyed customer help or advise when I was doing service work. Between helping him and not being able to find any food in the house, I dropped about 4 lbs. Now if he just keeps coming back. The uppers are not here yet, and we need one more base section so the granite guys can get the final measurements on Wednesday.
Never throw anything away, because you know you will need it the next day. When we put in the new stove top 5 years ago, I bought a plumbing kit that I didn't need. I used one fitting out of it, and the rest just sat in the shop. Used the rest of it yesterday. Every thing I needed to get the stove running once the top is installed.
I found a use for Skys' kennel-he really doesn't know he has a kennel and a dog house, living in the house all the time. The old counters and cabinets are in there, until I get them broken down for spring trash day. Wife wanted to recycle them, but I discovered that small pieces are lighter and easier to carry out than whole sections. We have lots of pieces.
Sky had graduation from Obedience 1. He got a mercy pass-the one the teachers use to get the kid out of their class room. I think there was a female type dog in heat last night. Sky was impossible to control, as were the other male dogs. It could have been worse, but not much. One classmates dog dumped in the entry way on the way in. Sky marked a coffee table in the snack area, then dumped in the class room and tried to mark every thing. Lots of towels used in the room . Then we played with an agility set up just to see what we thought. Sky doesn't consider the jumps anything strange. He jumps fences and downed trees all the time. He even hit the tunnels with no fear.
I haven't decided whether or not to sign him up for more classes. They don't have a program for the retarded or easily distracted dogs. Agility would be good, but the rest of the program is more for show dogs. I will see if there are any hunt clubs near by. So far, the ones that sound good are several hours away. We may make use of the swim pool just to exercise Muttly. Of course, we could use the beaver pond once the ice goes out, but the geese might beat up the little boy.