Thursday Musings

    • Gold Top Dog

     Whew, Allie made it home OK...30 minutes late, but she is there. 

    So someone came to measure my broken bay window this afternoon finally.  This man must have been 450lbs or so.  He was huffing and puffing just going from his truck and up my 3 front steps.  I  feel bad for saying this, but I hope someone else puts the glass in, because I really don't think he can manage it.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's a weird psychological thing but when I think of the smell, it seems I can actually smell it, even here at work :(

    Cathy, something similar happened to me after Ruby got sprayed by a skunk back in June.  I'd be at work, and I'd swear the smell was coming out of my pores or something.  I kept asking people if they could smell it (they couldn't, thankfully!).

    Marty, glad your grand-daughter got through her first day of school okay.  I bet all of you will sleep better tonight now that the nerves and excitement are settled down!

    Speaking of excitement, I forgot to say that DH brought Ruby to the airport when he picked me up.  I figured he must've had her when I called to say I was just collecting my luggage and he said to look for him in his truck at the curb (she's much more used to riding in the truck than my car).  She just about jumped out on top of me when I was trying to get in.  I was letting her lick my face (which I usually discourage), and she was so exuberant that she bit my nose (it was a nibble really, but it hurt!).  She was whining a lot -- although nothing like that awesome YouTube video someone shared recently of the dog welcoming the soldier home.  It's nice to know she actually missed me; I figured she'd hardly notice I was gone, since DH is her one true love!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Busy day at work today.  Just coming up for air.  My brain is so tired from figuring and refiguring and speculating on figures I want to scream but I'm too tired.  Can I get some cheese with that whine, please?

    Tracy, I smiled and smiled at your description of Ruby's welcome home excitement.  :)  There is nothing like a dog to let you know you're missed and loved.

    Marty, I'd be worried about that person changing the window glass too.  Glad Allie made it home safe and sound.

    Karen, I hope all went well. 

    Paige, happy gotcha day to Gracie.  Better late than never. :)

    Tina, if you continue to call Buddy Betty, I suggest changing his name to Betty. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    There is nothing like a dog to let you know you're missed and loved.

    I know -- especially when DH's Welcome Home greeting was a quick kiss as he grabbed my suitcases to throw them in the back. Given the late hour and long drive he had to/from the airport, I couldn't expect him to jump up and down for joy when he saw me.  Actually, even when we were young and newly married, he was never one for excessively affectionate greetings!  Stick out tongue

    I forgot to send some special wishes to Gracie on her 10th Gotcha Day!  Paige, give her some ear rubs and nose kisses from me.