Does your house smell like a dog?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I honestly don't know. Big Smile I never notice it but like Gina said, if someone who doesn't have a dog comes in, they'll probably notice something.  If I'm expecting company, I just grab a bottle of that febreeze air stuff and give a little squirt in every room. I think there are certainly much worse things a house can smell like than dogs.


    • Bronze

    I think all homes have their own unique smell.  But I've never noticed any bad or unusual smell in our house as compared to homes w/o pets.  And over the years when we've sold homes we've always been told by realtors how nice everything is, that we don't need to do a thing.

    But honestly I don't really care.  It seems very clean to me, and that's good enough.  We don't live here to make anybody else happy.  Personally, if there's an odor I'd much rather it be a natural dog/cat smell than some nasty chemically air freshener.

    • Gold Top Dog

    But honestly I don't really care.  It seems very clean to me, and that's good enough.  We don't live here to make anybody else happy.  Personally, if there's an odor I'd much rather it be a natural dog/cat smell than some nasty chemically air freshener.


    Yup,me too[:P Every once an awhile the crew can get gassy and that I wouldn't wish on anybody!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I nearly always have a candle going so most often everyone says how great the house smells!  I love love love candles so its a win win situation.  I dont mind a doggy smell but I imagine others that come cant notice it as much this way

    • Gold Top Dog

     um, probably a yes!! LOL

    clean as much as I want, but I'm sure there is some lingering odor, i know the lady that lived here before me ALWAYS had pets. let me tell ya the house smelled 100% better when I replaced a large portion of the carpet. When I get my way and have no carpet in the whole house, it'll probably smell better!!


    in my opinion though, everyone konws I have dogs, I love my dogs, if you hate the smell you can leave. lol

    i had a ferret once and no one knew it when they walked into my room, he just didn't stink. lol

    Around here its the combo of dogs/cats/chickens/donkeys. so it's stinks lol. but its my house. lol

    • Gold Top Dog

     Every now and then I make a huge effort to get rid of doggy smells. I can't smell it, but I'm sure that others can so I do some vinegar and water cleaning, carpet cleaning, etc. It probably doesn't do any good but it makes me feel better lol

    • Gold Top Dog


    Krissim Klaw

     After owning ferrets, dogs seem rather tame smell wise.

    You'd be amazed what a good diet does to a ferrets smell. There truely is NO kibble that is healthy for them, some cat kibbles are better can ferret kibble but all kibble fed ferrets no matter what the quality have that "ferret smell". Both my ferret boys are fed raw, and they do NOT smell like ferrets. If you've ever smelled a ferret (kibble fed), there is no hiding that odor in a house. The second you walk into the house, you just KNOW there is a ferret there. Yet, with my boys, nobody knows I even have ferrets unless I mention it or they see them. They get compliments all the time like "Oh wow they smell so good, did they just get a bath?" etc.

    Out of all the animals Ive ever had, my breeding colony of crickets and superworms smelled the worse lol

    I'm not talking about bad smelling ferrets.  Typically the kibble smells worse than the ferrets to begin with.  Ferrets on raw or not however have a distinct odor to them.  Personally I love the smell of ferrets, but I cam see it standing out to some people. 

    If your crickets are smelling than typically is a result of overcrowding and thus excess build up of cricket poop, which is what the smell is from.  A lot of people I know will put a layer of oatmeal in their cricket tanks.  Not only do the crickets munch on it, but helps cover the smell.


    The smell that I dislike most from animals is bird poo.  Not sure what it is about it, but there is something about it that always makes me go. Ick!  I would think with all the work I've done with birds I would be immune to it by now, but no such luck.

    • Gold Top Dog

     The bird's smell doesn't bother me, but she's only one, and she's small. What bothers me about them is when people don't shower them enough, and they get dusty/oily. Then, they're not fun to handle. Cockatiel dust (what I have the most experience with) makes me sneeze. A lot. My Tiel is bathed at LEAST twice a week.


    I don't *think* I have dog smell. I know, for sure, that my dogs aren't smelly dogs, but I'm a groomer. I'm pretty immune to doggy smells.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gina you'll have to come do a smell tour.

    I have no carpet and no fabric upholstery and no dog smell.  Deva can smell like a dog but rarely does. The poodles don't have a dog smell.  I'm not a great housekeeper so it's always made me laugh when I had a lot of poodles and people would say things like "My daughter only has two dogs and her house smells like dogs. How do you do it?" And I know what they're really thinking is "My daughter is a much better housekeeper than you are but your house doesn't smell it."

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't think we have a dog smell problem-unless she's having some sort of intestinal issue, LOL!   But, I'm constantly worried about the cat box and bird cage. 

    • Bronze

    I have no carpet and no fabric upholstery and no dog smell.

    I think the fabric upholstery and carpet are good points.  We have only one chair that's fabric, and of course it's the chair the dogs want to lay in most.  I keep it covered with a thick, oversized beach towel that gets washed weekly, and I steam clean the chair and all the carpets in the house several times a year.  One time when a realtor asked how I keep our house so nice with all the pets, I pointed to the steam cleaner that was parked in the dining room, right behind the chair she was sitting in.  LOL.  Also, I don't buy traditional dog beds but use crib mattresses with waterproof covers.  The sheets for those are inexpensive enough that I keep a bunch on hand so I'm not tempted to put off changing them weekly, and the waterproof covers prevent the mattresses from absorbing odors.

    But like I said, to me all houses DO have their own unique smell.  I've always thought it must be a combination of cleaning products, favorite foods and stuff like that.  I can't say I've ever been in a house that I found offensive, just unique.  To me older houses smell the strongest, regardless of how clean they're kept or whether there are pets or not.  But to me it's not an offensive smell, just different.

    • Gold Top Dog

     With three floors of wall to wall carpeting, a 5 minute walk to the river and no access to a water hose outside - yup we probably have a doggy odor in here! Or at least, the lingering odor of the river! It's all in the carpet though and it's from the river swimming and mud rolling that Ari does. This reminds me we're overdue to shampoo the carpets. Anyone who comes to my house though, knows we have Ari. You don't like dogs, you don't need to come over! At any rate, my friends and family like dogs and Ari herself doesn't really have an odor. 

    I hate fabreeze and any type of air freshener lol, so I never bother. I'll light candles often though, as I love 'em.

    • Gold Top Dog
    No doggy odor here, but we wash Rascal pretty frequently because he likes to sit on laps, furniture, etc. If he starts to get a bit doggy-smelling, we give hmi a bath. (With a strong moisturizing conditioner!) You can't tell we have a dog from the odor of the dog, but you can tell by 1) fur on the ground/clothes, 2) super stinky dog food, if it's left open, and 3) the 2 crates, 2 dog beds, and 1 dog blanket (thanks Tina!) that Rascal all has out to snuggle with. Oh, and the approximately 20 squeaky toys he likes to move around. :)
    • Gold Top Dog

    I know our house used to smell like dog. When we had our beloved Basset Hound, my clean freak mother made it a point to tell me daily how much my house smelled like dog, I smelled like dog, the dog smelled like dog. In my experience Bassets have a rather distinctive smell; probably due to the oily coat; and then when Fran developed allergies that didn't help matters. But she was a wonderful dog and she lived to be nearly 14 and I would give anything to have another stinky 14 years with her.

     Our current dog is a pit bull; and...I really don't think she smells. Of course this one also has allergies - and the dermatologist has ordered weekly that probably cuts down on the smell factor. But the real reason I don't think she smells is we now have an in-law apartment and my mother lives with us...and she has not only invited Veronica into her home (on a daily basis; she watches her while the husband and I are at work)...but she even let Veronica get on her couch...and we rather suspect the bed isn't far behind. And my mother is still an OCD clean Veronica cannot possibly smell.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Just a note that NO ONE here will agree with...but it's true nonetheless. Someone who does not live with you or visit often..will ALWAYS know you have pets in your home as soon as they walk in and breathe inwards. Ask ANY! It's not good or just, is.


    I KNEW you'd say this and I'd come in and....agree!  If you have a pet there is a smell, unless you live in a 10,000sqft mansion and keep your dog secluded to an outdoor kennel, lol.