horror movies??

    • Gold Top Dog

    horror movies??

    ok, so I DO NOT watch horror movies. NOT AT ALL!


    I have a friend who needs a movie to recreate for his halloween haunted hayride. It has to be easy to be done/cheap. The theme is horror movies - obviously.

    So a scene from a movie would be good. They'll be in a tent - and the ride will go through the middle. This is the highlite of the ride -so it's gotta be good! They're talking zombies of some sort... but they want some ideas to bat around.

    So. let's hear it!

    • Gold Top Dog

    DH and I *LOVE* horror films and haunted houses/hayrides and Halloween stuff. We recently went through this haunted house and I have to say the scariest part was the dead/demented clowns, like Stephen King's "It". Something from 28 Days Later with the "rage infected" people would be creeeeepy :) Good luck!

    • Gold Top Dog

    maybe something sorta classic like...The Shining? The Bathtub scene...OMG...now I won't be able to sleep. nvrmind.

    • Gold Top Dog

    haha, me either, Gina! I'm not looking at the links...just passing them along. lol

    • Gold Top Dog

     I just watched "Sweeney Todd," that shouldn't be too hard to recreate. A "barber chair," some "sharp blades," and a creepy murderous-looking dude with a weird wig sounds about all that would be needed.

    I'm not a huge fan of horror movies. Kind of regretting Sweeney Todd, lol. I figured Sondheim, Johnny Depp, and Alan Rickman, how could I go wrong? Well, it's many hours later, and I'm still traumatized. Stick out tongue

    Anyway, sorry, that's it for my suggestions!

    • Gold Top Dog

    What about somethign like the hills have eyes?   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O76m3kpgPTQ

    Or the Descent (I only watched about 10 minutes into the movie when the scary stuff happens lol)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5I1q4KhKNU

    You could also maybe do like a 28 days later thing (as I think Cita suggested)?  Where the "infected" chase and try to climb onto the hay ride thing!?  spooooky lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oooh, for the Saw movies, you would just need that creepy puppet and a voice recorder with a creepy voice.  You could come up with a way that they are earning getting out safe? 

    For a hayride, hide someone in the hay and have them pop out at some point?  That would be scary.  Plant someone as a rider and have them disappear or "get hurt", that'd be good.

     Now I'm going to have to look up scary things to go do, because that sounds fun!

    • Gold Top Dog

    The shower scene from Psycho?  Some posted a pic a little while back of a Halloween shower curtain with that theme.  With a light behind it, it should be easy to recreate.


    • Gold Top Dog

    How about something scary and funny all at the same time?  I'm not a horror movie fan at all but Sean of the Dead was a scream, in a good way.  And it's zombie related.  It's been a little while since I've seen it but Michelle's (?) idea to plant someone on the ride would fit right into this.  Maybe the scene where the mom or dad has gone zombie and they're having to decide on killing him/her?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I second anything from The Hills Have Eyes or The Descent!  Those movies are two of my favorites!  I LOVE watching horror movies!  Not many of them scare me though.  Now that old movie "PumpkinHead" scared the poop out of me!!  I am go to the theater tomorrow night to watch a really old movie that is showing for Halloween.  It's called Evil Dead 2.  I know some of you probably know that movie.  It's stupid but that's why I like it!