Do you think she's too skinny?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Do you think she's too skinny?

    I was looking at this pic of Josie and was shocked at how thin she looked. It COULD be the pic, i really don't know. She is 15 weeks, 23 lbs and is eating 3-3.5 cups of taste of the wild pacific stream mixed with Fromm pork and applesauce. She's also extremely active. What do you all think? The Fromm bag says to feed 1-1/4 cups for her weight... also no worms and the vet said nothing about her weight. She weighed 17 lbs when i got her about 5 weeks ago.

    • Gold Top Dog

     She looks like Joker does in the first picture. When he's moving you can see his ribs. I think she looks good. Dont forget she's growing pup!! Joker will look good and then he hits a gangly stage and all I do is add 1/2 more of food till he gets through the stage.

    How do you do her meals? I know with Joker I have to give him 3 meals a day to keep him looking good. 2 cups of kibble in the morning, chicken quarter in the afternoon, 2 cups of kibble in the evening.

    I never go by the suggestion the food says.

    ETA: She's gorgoues!!! How long till you can let her ears go untaped?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nah, besides Coke b/c of his coat, all moving/playing/body extended pics of my dogs show a lot of rib.  But I'm not a dobie person so I could be wrong.

    • Gold Top Dog


    In the first picture, she looks like she might be a bit skinny, but in the other pictures, I don't think she does. We had a Doberman (really, she was a girl, therefore, a doberwoman) but anyway, she was that way usually. You could just barely see the ribs if you looked at the right angle.
    • Gold Top Dog

     Awwww! She's soooo pretty!!

    I think she's a great weight. I like pups a smidge skinny... and for her breed (and mine) I feel you should see ribs when they are moving, for sure. If it gets to the point you can start seeing hip bones or spine, definitely TOO thin.... ribs while moving with a nice waist, when looking from above, perfect. 

    Again, this is IMO.

    She's really growing up and a head turner! :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I personally don't like seeing as much rib as the first picture shows.  But, is this the norm for a dog this age of this breed? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think she looks great and definitely not too thin, IMO.  Lean is good and the ribs showing don't bother me a bit, it was the way she was moving.   She is really growing fast and I think we need more pictures before she gets all grown up!  What a pretty girl.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree she looks just fine.  She is going to change so much over the next year...lean is best.  Gorgeous little thing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think she looks great but we may need more pictures to make a decision.  Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    I might think she was a bit thin in the first photo, but with that sleek coat and the natural slender appearance of a Doberman, she's probably just fine.  She looks great in the other photos, and as everyone else said, she'll continue to change as she grows.  I just love the shiny black fur!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     I think she looks great - lean is best especially in these early stages.  And they can lean down and fill out so quickly as they grow.  Bugsy's boxer buddy had some lean times during some spurts but he looks great now at about 8 mos. Also a female is likely more lean than a male full grown

    She really is beautiful!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think she looks great. I like puppies slender, and Doberpuppies have almost no coat. I'd rather see ribs than rolls, any day.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Agreed with everyone who said no, she's not too skinny.   I like to see puppies lean and in fact I am slightly jealous that you can judge her physique just by looking LOL.  Lumos has so much fur I have to get my hands on him to make sure he's not too chubby...not that touching him is bad LOL.  Still, it's an advantage of short-coated breeds.

    She looks fabulous to me, and so pretty!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think that she looks fine.  The first pic doesn't really count because she's moving.  Any dobe, in good condition, will show some rib when they move, & Josie is a puppy, so I would expect her to show even more.  The second pic, IMO, she looks to be at an ideal weight, & the third pic she looks a little thin,  but I suspect that it has more to do with how she's standing.

    How's her appetite?  Are you feeding 2 or 3 times a day?

    ETA:  I am in love with her crop!  Her ears look very nice in the first two pics.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks guys. I weighed her again today and she was 25.8! she has gained over 2 lbs since last week. I normally feed her 2x/day, but have been giving her an extra 0.5 cups in the afternoon.

    Amanda, i am also thrilled with her crop! Dr Sam Grant owns Josie's sire, and he is also my breeder's vet. He does a very nice job. Here's a better pic...