Need ideas - Maggie's nose

    • Gold Top Dog

    Need ideas - Maggie's nose

    I posted this in health earlier today, but since I really need ideas and lots of them soon, I thought I'd repost.

    Over the past few days, I've noticed that Maggie has what looks like a worn spot on her nose. I just started giving her a buster cube 2x/day because of my work schedule and I'm wondering if it truly is wear from the cube or something else that needs vet attention.

    At first the spot was smaller, now it's about 1/3 larger and it started out almost ring like (please don't be ringworm!), but now it's just a spot. I can't tell if it is inflamed and it's not crusty, but it certainly is odd since it's basically just a spot on her nose where the texture is gone - no discoloration or anything. Occasionally I think I can smell a kind of yeasty/sweet smell, but I dunno if the spot is what is producing it.

    I put some tea tree spray on it last nite, no discernible difference today.

    Pics below - it's on her left side, our right when viewed from in front of her.

    • Gold Top Dog
    my thoughts are... some sort of burn/rubbing or, sorry.. fungus.. or ring worm.
    does it itch her any at all? thats one of the tell tale signs of ring worm.
    might want to check elsewhere on her body for similarities.
    • Gold Top Dog
    No itching on her nose or elsewhere....her pads are worn from all the walking on concrete recently, but nothing unusual.
    • Gold Top Dog
    if its wearing from the toy then eventually it will have the skin worn away completely, which will also be a clue as to what the culprit may be. if you take the toy away for a while it might go away. if it doesnt i would certainly ask a vet.
    is she a digger? i've seen dogs dig those  holes just big enough to stick their noses into, itty bitty ankle breaking is what i call them... that cause some chafing depending on if the dirt is hard packed or not.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yea - I'm not using the cube this weekend or Monday (since she's going to work with me) so we'll see if it improves - if anything it seems a bit more obvious today [>:].

    I know it's not digging since I don't have a yard lol. At least that narrows it down some.[8|]