Posted : 3/12/2008 8:59:34 AM
Certainly this is ridiculous (at least how it's portrayed in the story, who knows what the backstory is). Still, it always irks me when they make a big deal that whatever kid getting shafted was an "honor student." What does that even mean? Maybe it means the kid is pretty smart. So what? Smart people do dumb/unkind/illegal things all the time. Maybe it just means the kid is in non-remedial classes at his high school. Maybe it means he got honored for coolest hairdo in the 9th grade. Totally irrelevant, IMO, except to give the story an added slant of gross injustice perpetrated towards the poor, innocent honor student. 
(Now don't get me wrong, I used that line all the freaking time to get away with stuff in high school - can't tell ya how many times I got away with skipping classes, haha - but it's still not exactly fair.)