Posted : 3/31/2015 6:25:16 PM
Sending tons of healing vibes for Rock. I know you both must be so worried. (((Ginger and Ron)))
We had some snow flakes here yesterday, and we're going to get more tonight. But, I don't think there will be enough to shovel or sweep.
Dad had a major reaction between his diabetes meds and an antibiotic yesterday--his blood sugar totally tanked twice (very scary), so he gets to spend a couple days in the hospital. (The folks at his facility were right on it and got him to the hospital very quickly.) He wanted to know where his "blue book" was--I was thrilled he asked for it, because that's a notebook we use to help him remember what he did each day, the visitors he had, etc. I asked him if he wanted some paper, and he said, no, he wanted his book because it helped him keep track of things. Success! So, while I was visiting him in the hospital this afternoon, my Mom was in the ER--allergic reaction (she has a serious nut allergy). She'll be discharged in a bit and will be home tomorrow. (A friend is with her.) Apparently, we're keeping the emergency medical folks in business. I'm home with the dogs tonight :-)
Tracy, Dad's new home (as I'm calling the facility) is on the mainland--he is transitioning really well and gets that Mom can't care for him at home. (I think he also likes having a menu that he gets to order from each meal!) He has a good sense of humor and he informed me last night that he'd be happy to eat chocolate truffles if that would help keep his blood sugar levels up. Yup, he was feeling better!