Posted : 4/23/2014 3:50:43 PM
I happened to be eating a bite of my turkey sandwich just as I ready about Gabby munching on the junebugs . . . not exactly appetizing to think of that kind of "roughage" in one's diet!
I think the nesting birds in your neighbor's roof are very funny, Tina. This is what happens with slow-going, do-it-yourself projects handled by less organized folks!!
Flights last night were calm, quiet, and on-time. I didn't sleep more than a couple hours, but was otherwise relatively comfortable. Didn't get home and into bed until nearly 1am (4am to me), so getting up this morning was tough. Snooze alarm was used repeatedly. I'm not accomplishing much today, but at least I'll get through the giant pile of mail waiting for me. It stinks having a job where no one else does your work while you're gone.
I'm not sure what this says about our little family, but DH gave me a quick kiss as he loaded my bags into the truck, and Ruby nearly broke all my bones crawling and jumping on me in the front seat when I got in. One of them was clearly happier to see me!
I've missed some stuff the past few days -- Jackie's cold, Glenda's relocation activities, Kate's new arrival . . . any other news? How is GingerD doing, Tina? Anyone heard from Cathy lately?