Posted : 2/28/2014 2:19:42 PM
This cartoon reminds me of something that happened the other morning. Ruby was curled up on our bed, like she is every morning while I'm getting ready for work. When I'm ready to leave the bedroom, it's often hard to convince her to leave her cozy spot and follow me to the kitchen. Sometimes she stays there until she hears me open a cupboard or the fridge.
The other day, I was petting her and saying something like, "You don't want to get up, do you? You're too cozy here under your blanket. It's too cold in the kitchen. But if you come out there with me, you can have a treat." Her eyes were closed the whole time I was talking to her, but as soon as I said treat, they popped open. ![Big Smile](/emoticons/emotion-2.gif)