Posted : 2/11/2014 1:08:28 PM
I was surprised to hear of Shirley Temple's passing, too. I know 85 isn't YOUNG, but that's younger than my mother-in-law and many of her fellow residents at the retirement community, so my first reaction was to feel surprise.
Glenda, I didn't realize there were wines that hailed from the Great Lakes area. I hear often how weather extremes can seriously affect the wine industry here, whether we have very dry, hot summers and autumns, like we did this year (which is supposed to be good for grapes) or whether we have soggy seasons, too much cold, etc. It's definitely a weather-centric industry!
Julie, that villain looked familiar to me, but I didn't know if they'd showed him in earlier episodes or if I just recognized him from other movies or shows. He is a perfect villain. I wonder if the poor guy ever gets cast as a nice character? His "look" seems to scream villain!
Edited to add: I'm also eager to see how they bring Moriarty back. He's a great villain too, but he's got a humor factor going for him.