Posted : 1/16/2014 5:02:37 PM
Awww, I'm sorry Tina. It doesn't ever get any easier, no matter how many times we go through it, does it?
I think we won yesterday. PITA demanded mediation, but wanted to be alone with the old coot, who is a soft touch. He refused because she wouldn't allow me or the biz manager in the room. Then she tried to use that as an excuse for being unprepared and not bringing her "witnesses". She blew, as I suspected she would, with a personal attack on me. Ya'll would have been proud of me....I didn't react or respond, just let her spew her venom. When I was asked to speak I was calm, forthright and careful to explain things the judge might not understand, such as tear sheets. Did I mention that I didn't loose my temper? Hope the formal "verdict" arrives soon!
Woke up to a little snow today. Not much, just enough to be messy. Luckily I wasn't working far from home today so I didn't have to drive on cruddy roads. Can't complain since we've really had a pretty nice week.