Posted : 10/10/2013 6:29:00 PM
good gracious Jackie, how cynical!!
I think that thank you cards are important - especially since many times weddings are so chaotic etc. and some people send gifts but don't attend. Let the poor person know you received the gift!
I am away from home again - been away since Tuesday, finally home tomorrow. Poor B was sad to see Mom go on Tuesday morning and was a mess when he saw me load my suitcase. He was sure he was coming with me
Oops, not this time B!
I did laugh when DH told me this morning that it was pouring rain and B wanted out, he looked out the window a minute later and B was running zoomies in the rain. I so love that dog!
I have a plan for B should something happen but I know that no one really wants to take him - he's a big fella and still nuts. Tough combo for a normal person but I am confident someone would step up
I am watching House Hunters, part of me admires people choosing to live in a third world county and another part of me thinks they are nuts
Thats all - its fairly miserable weather here - unusual for Oct but September was fabulous and very October like. I wonder if we are in for a longer period of poor weather than usual for the winter.
I am training the same thing over and over and at this point I am soooooooo bored. I have to be careful to not get to sarcastic and joking about it as is my wont when I get bored
Cathy pulled pork in the crockpot is a great party meal
OK I am going to figure out something to eat. Is cheese Pringles and white wine a meal?