Posted : 10/5/2013 8:44:00 AM
My mood has been similar Julie. Hadn't thought to blame it on the approaching fall. But, the shorter days, even now, do tick me off. Like that does me any good!
DS asked me twice last nite to pick him up some sugar when I went to pick up DH. Did I remember? NO! So, I hit the grocery this morning before 9 and the mobs, so at least that part of the weekend chores is out of the way. I know that the groceries are laid out to induce impulse buying and increased spending, but seriously? Do I have to walk to the very far side and furthest back of the store to pick up a lousey bag of sugar? That ticks me off too.
Julie, I know this is going to sound trite, but getting older sure beats the heck out of the alternative. Sounds foolish, but after my second sister died suddenly a month shy of her 50th birthday, I was THRILLED to safely hit 50. There were a lot of similarities between Wanda & I, (including the oddball names) so goofy as it sounds........
On the same chipper note.....I've been really wondering lately if Mike had a serious medical condition that he wouldn't share with us. No one will tell me, and it bothers me....guess I'm still trying to find the reason for his death. Some days I do so well and have only happy thoughts of my son, but others. I wish I knew how to do this and I sure wish it got easier.
Now, to be cheerful, dang the Red Sox opened up a gigantic can of whoop *** on Tampa yesterday! I hope the momentum keeps going. Winning another World Series will be worth being forced (by the superstitious DH) to eat hot dogs each and every game day for the next couple weeks. Altho, I'm hoping very much that they just blast through the playoffs and get it done. Even all beef hot dogs get old after a day or two!
OK, I think my chatter today has been totally mindless, so off to clean my deep freeze! Bet ya'll wish you could join me! Not.