Posted : 7/22/2013 12:56:50 PM
Cathy, I can't imagine being a hands-on landlord. My friend's Dad has a rental house, and he's always having to do something related to yard maintenance, repairs, or involved things (like carpet replacement) after a tenant moves out. I think it would be worth paying a property manager, if you could find a good one. I can barely stay on top of my own house to-do's ---- nevermind another home! Maybe your husband will come around if he gets tired enough!
Jen, how was the new car on your trip? I hope you're enjoying it. Glad to hear Luke did well.
Tina, if that lady had at least apologized as she gave you the $100 bill, maybe I'd have cut her some slack, but really, what was she thinking??
Sarah, if I were you, I might be crying every morning when my alarm clock went off. Caring for a toddler, 2 dogs, and yourself, while your DH is away and you have to go to work . . . . it exhausts me even thinking about it.
Speaking of exhausted, I was wiped out yesterday. I think I wore myself completely out stressing over the prep for our progressive dinner night, then we stayed up way too late with the other 2 sets of hosts, eating up the leftovers. I felt like I had lead weights on my ankles yesterday.
I should've gone to bed early last night, but I was up late trying to figure out how to download movies on my iTouch before I leave for CT tomorrow. I use the darn thing so rarely that I can't remember how to do it. I intend to be knocked-out on the plane, but sitting in the airport during layovers, a movie or two might help my anxiety. Tonight I'll be in a whirlwind with final decisions about what to pack. I wish I could look forward to vacation like normal people do, but I'm just a bundle of nerves. DH and Ruby will be glad for the calm house after I leave!