Cathy, I had that same question come up on a recent interview of mine and I totally wasn't prepared. I was like, well I reprioritize my work every day! duh! I put fires out all day long blah blah (in not so many words). The answer they were actually looking for (I found out later) was I would go with the task that supported our unit plan (which is another name for office mission/goals/priorities, etc). I do like your answer about asking the boss what the priority is though. You have to pick the answer that is right for the job you are applying for.

Sharon, if you made it this far, I would say you are golden. That's a lot of time to sink into someone they aren't going to offer the job to. I think it was a good idea to stay mum about your cruise. I just sat in on a training that talked about hiring candidates for a position and that was an example used in a negative way. In other words, don't hire the candidate that talks about their upcoming vacation during the interview process.

Good luck with part 3!

I can't believe you guys are still getting snow Doug. I would be having a melt down. As it is, I am supposed to fly to the UP on the 30th and I'm afraid they are going to still have snow on the ground or that it will be snowing when I get there!  Yuck!!!


ETA: I have to get up early tomorrow and pick up a co-worker by 8 a.m.! I'm worried I will be late!