Finally - First Day of School (mrstjohnson)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Finally - First Day of School (mrstjohnson)

    As most know today was Riley's first day of school.  It seems it took us forever to get here.  Overall, she had a great day.  She didn't cry at all.  Her teacher said her favorite part was playing in the gym - yeah I could have told you that one.  LOL I was so annoyed.  We couldn't find the camera this morning, so all the pics were with our cell phones.  Plus she won't stop moving for more than a second so every pic is blurry.

    Hi!  Today's my first day at school and I am very excited

    My Dad and me

    Getting a nose rub for good luck

    My mom and me. 

    We arrived at school - and then I saw them...other kids.  I am not known for my subtleness or shyness

    Talking my new friend's ear off

    Then it was off to class.  Mom says I get to come here everyday!  Whoo Hoo!


    • Gold Top Dog

    Lisa -- I think we ALL went thru this with you!!  The pics are great (who cares ... blurry?  sometimes LIFE is a blur but it recorded it and that's what matters!!)

    I'm SO glad she had a good time.  I *KNEW* she'd find some "thing" that absolutely made her want to come back there.

    I'm so glad you posted.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is gorgeous! and she sure looks like her Daddy, bless her little heart.  So glad things went well for her and you. *S*

    • Gold Top Dog
    Riley looks so happy!  Yay!
    • Gold Top Dog

    WTG Lisa and Riley !!


    Deb W.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a sweetie! Thats great that she was so excited to start school. It is so good for kids to interract and boy, doesnt look like she has a problem there!

    Congratulations on finally getting her in. I know you went through leaps and bounds to make it happen. Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yea for school!  Awesome pics Lisa...thanks for sharing


    • Gold Top Dog

    Such cute photos!  She looks adorable with her little knapsack and cute outfit.  For some reason, the one of her chatting with her new friend cracked me up.  Maybe it's because whenever we see a young child talking a lot, my husband often says, "I bet you were like that when you were that age."  I don't think I talk THAT much, but . . . . Stick out tongue

    I think it's really cute how eager she seemed to connect with the other kids.  It's nice she has the confidence to just jump right in!  I hope the rest of the transition goes smoothly for all of you!


    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm so glad that she did well and was so excited. Yay Riley!

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