Yet another "What Breed?" thread! Mastiff mix?

    • Silver

    Yet another "What Breed?" thread! Mastiff mix?

    Hanzo's stray mama was almost certainly a Mastiff or a Mastiff mix.  She was very large (should have been around 125lbs), but so skinny that it was hard to tell if she was pure or not.  I'm sure she was backyard bred at any rate.  So what do you think he looks like?  He's about 55-60 lbs now (at 11 months) and just starting to really fill out, showing protective instinct, friendly, has a moderate to high prey drive (loves to stalk and pounce), tall, long legs and athletic build, dog friendly, uses his paws a lot, VERY soft mouth, very careful with children, paces more often than trots.

    Not to influence opinions but...prospective culprits commonly found in my area: GSDs, Malinois (we have several BYB in the area), Boxers, Pit Bulls, Staffies, Labs, or any combination thereof.  Also, it was unclear if mom was an English Mastiff or a Bullmastiff or a combo.  As I said, emaciated and likely poorly bred.

     For those curious viewers, mama was hit by a car before I could earn her trust.  It was awful.  Hanzo was 8 weeks old and the only pup.

    (Btw: for those who might not know (I didn't), a spotted tongue does not automatically equal Chow Chow.  Mastiffs, among many other breeds, have this trait too!  Interested?  Check here: 

    Face, 11 months:

    Profile, 8 months:


    Gangly 8 month stage:


    Not-so-gangly 7 month stage:


    Body shot, 9 months (has since filled out more):


    Body shot, 10 months:


    • Silver


    • Gold Top Dog

     Shape of the head/lanky body makes me think boxer (looks like his nose is a little upturned?), but that could just be the result of a bullmastiff crossed with something too.  But ear positioning also looks more boxer-like to me...thought he fact that they're almost standing up goes beyond both boxer and mastiff!  Pit perhaps.  Very cute boy (but so sad about the mom Sad)!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I thought I saw some Boxer, too.  The lanky body, tail and that "Gangly 8 month" pic have me thinking there's some Malinois in there, too. His size now has me thinking Mom was a Bullmastiff or mix.  His gorgeous coloring can come from any of those breeds (among other breeds).

    • Silver


    looks like his nose is a little upturned?

    His muzzle is pretty level..not really any upturn.  I've definitely thought of Boxer as a strong possiblility given his size and build (and ears!).  He also plays a lot like a Boxer: he uses his paws a lot and plays a little rough with other dogs.  However, any Boxer person who has met him tells me they just can't see it.  Huh? I'll be interesting to see what his body looks like when he finishes filling out.

    Very sad about the mama Sad  I tried for two weeks before she was hit and I was finally starting to make some progress.  She had JUST been hit when I found her, but I'm pretty sure she died near instantly at least.  Apparently, I later heard, there was another Mastiff female stray in the area too.  I guess they either got loose or someone couldn't afford them and dumped them.  There are also a lot of drug busts in the area I found them.

    • Puppy

    I dont see any boxer.. but thats just me. Boxers have to many characteristics I can spot none are really exposed through this dog.


    I say Mastt / pitbull.


    Beautiful looking dog either way.

    • Silver

    The lanky body, tail and that "Gangly 8 month" pic have me thinking there's some Malinois in there, too.


    Yeah, I've wondered that.  I wouldn't normally guess Malinois, as they aren't that common, but there are a number of backyard breeders very near where he was found.  I've seen a lot of Malinois crosses around there.  Some moron thinks he's making a Super Dog by crossing them with various things.  His coloration is a lot like a Malinois too.  He has more black ticking along his back and on his chest than most mastiff breeds and it looks just like ever Malinois I've come across.  Also, it seems to me that he is too long-legged and lean to be all bully.  I think I'm leaning toward some shepherd in there somewhere, whether it's GSD or Malinois.  Or some shepherd mix.  He's extremely obedient and trainable in the manner of shepherd too, with a high desire to work.

    I think it's interesting that people seem to think mom was more likely a Bullmastiff.  I'm not disagreeing, by any means.  I was wondering if she was a mix of Bullmastiff and English Mastiff.  She was tall for a Bullmastiff, but her face was more like one.  Again, surely BYB.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think the reason I would guess bullmastiff rather than mastiff (also why I thought boxer as well) is the shape of his muzzle...  especially noticeable in that pic where he's laying down (though he could be mooshing his face into the floor and distorting his profile a bit :P) is the way his upper lip juts out equal or even a little bit farther than his nose does.  That's what I meant about the upturned nose...  it's not so much an upturn as a stunted muzzle almost, typical in boxer mixes (or bullmastiff for that matter). 

    Here's what I mean about the mastiff muzzle (note the acute angle the top of the muzzle and the upper lip make):


     And now note the obtuse angle of the bullmastiff's nose/lip.


    Or for that matter, a boxer:



    Your pup (at least in that pic) looks like he's got more of the obtuse angled face - except one that's been diluted by other breeds.

    But then again, dealing with BYB dogs who are not likely to conform much to anything... it's pretty much impossible to tell!  Given the prevalence of malinois BYBing in your area though, according to your above post, I'd say it's likely that there's some of that mixed in too.  For some reason, though it's so easy to slap the "pit" onto any mix...I just don't see it in him.  Not in head shape nor body build..dunno why.  Just doesn't look very pitty to me.  But again, who the heck knows!  :)

    • Silver

    Your pup (at least in that pic) looks like he's got more of the obtuse angled face - except one that's been diluted by other breeds.


     Ah, I see!  Great visuals, thanks!  Very interesting.  Seeing it from that perspective, he definitely looks more Bullmastiff-like.  For the record, being the owner of a pit mix and associated with many, I really don't see pit in him either Smile  I love them, but I just don't see it in him.  It's certainly possible, of course!  

    • Silver

     Better, more updated photos.  Here is Hanzo today at 11 months!


    • Gold Top Dog

    My goodness, you have the coolest looking pack there!  There's something about Hanzo, that is stealing my heart.  I'm still seeing Mal,Boxer, and Bullmastiff- especially in the second pick. Gorgeous boy!

    • Silver


    My goodness, you have the coolest looking pack there!  There's something about Hanzo, that is stealing my heart.  I'm still seeing Mal,Boxer, and Bullmastiff- especially in the second pick. Gorgeous boy!



    Thanks so much!  I love them dearly :)  Unfortunately, Suzu (my other BC) was home that day, so she isn't in the group shot.  She had injured the pads on her feet and was home being spoiled.  Hanzo is a really special boy, and I'm always grateful I have him.  He's one of those guys that can make you feel better on a bad day.  Thanks for your input on his breed make up...I'm definitely beginning to see why everyone was guessing Bullmastiff mix!


    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     well he is totally cute and I am terrible at breed guesses but if you are sure his mom was a mastiff (will be bull mastiff as english mastiffs will run closer to 200lbs) then the dad was a lot smaller.  My dog, of unknown heritage, is about 105-107 lbs now (4yo) and was about 90lbs at your guy's age.

    Malinois is a reasonable guess and I know how fun yet frustrating breed guessing can be.  We'll never know what my guy is but that just makes him extra special!

    Great looking pack and you struck gold Hanzo!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Not only Chows have purple also do Shar pei, THAT much of his tongue being colored makes me pause...and that is part of my guess. His ears have that tinyness and high settedness...along with the curly tail, coloring certainly fits too, as does the size, most Boxers and Pei's are in that range. I will say Boxer/Shar Pei...and probably something or even two something's else.

    Look at the BoxerPei on this page...I see similarities...this dog is brindle, and older so more filled out...but I do see similarities.


    • Puppy

     They look so much alike !