What breed is my dog?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I see Spaniel in those ears.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She has changed so much since the puppy pics!   She is absolutely adorable!   I love love love her name Stick out tongue

    Dont have a clue what she is except she is so cute!




    • Silver

    More new pictures!

     We leashed her because we were putting on floorwax and didn't want her to ingest any.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Oh she's precious! She looks a lot like a golden but the face and ears are a bit different. Chow maybe?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ginger you are adorable and growing up so quickly too!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm totally loving watching her grow :)

    Her face is saying retriever.... I don't remember what I guessed before - but it doesn't matter much - she's a stunning girl! :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     Oh what a pretty pretty girl!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree she is very pretty :)

    I definetly see Golden, maybe a little Spaniel of some kind (eg. Brittany, Cocker), and Collie probably.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Mechanical Angel

    I agree she is very pretty :)

    I definetly see Golden, maybe a little Spaniel of some kind (eg. Brittany, Cocker), and Collie probably.


    Yeah...I was just thinking how she's a dead ringer for a friend of mine's golden/cocker mix.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Beautiful puppy! Her most recent photos remind me a LOT of a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, which is silly because they're so unusual. She just keeps changing so much!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Her most recent photos remind me a LOT of a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever,

    Yes, yes I definetly see that!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would say golden/collie/? multiple mix but favoring the golden side. I love love the golden mixes :)

    Love also watching her grow up!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Whatever...she sure is cute.  I see Golden in that face someplace.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The technical Southern/Cracker name would be "Yaller Dog Mix".  But the next phrase right after would be "But she's a danged good dog!!"  *grin*  Bout sums it up I bet!!

    She is SO pretty.  That's why mixes are always MY personal favorite.  The best of all worlds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Please keep posting pics as she grows.  She still reminds me of my Coke, just a different color.  Some of the breeds people guess in him are Chow, Golden, Collie or Aussie.