Breed Guesses?

    • Bronze

    Breed Guesses?

    Hey all - I was just curious if anyone could help me figure out what my dog is, lol. Not that it matters - she's a sweet girl that I adore, but I'm just curious to see what other dog lovers think. :) She's 2 years old, weighs 32lbs, and loves to herd things. [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] Thanks!
    • Gold Top Dog

    loves to herd things.


    A herding breed mix!  lol  I don't have a clue but she is adorable. :)  She looks a lot like a dog I had as a kid.  What a sweet face.

    • Gold Top Dog

     She's a bigger Kota with flop ears!  Smile

     I don't know what Kota is either but they look a lot alike.  I've had guesses from people that Kota was a sheltie mix or a pom mix or a corgi mix.  I have no idea but he's the best!  Your girl is awfully cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, she looks a lot like my Sophie (Sophie has her summer haircut, her coat is normally much darker)!


    We suspect Sophie is Border Collie, Keeshond, and I'm not really sure what else.  She's about 65 pounds, so something a little larger then BC and Keeshond has to be in there, maybe Shepherd, but who knows!   I'd say your pup definitely has some Border Collie or Aussie in her. 


    • Silver

     Aussie mix.

    • Puppy

     border collie and German Shepherd?

    • Puppy

     Reason why I think this is because its got the body type of a GSD and face of a cute lil border collie. Either way GORGEOUS MIX! :)

    • Puppy
    aimee, here's my jessie, looks so much like your sophie. her dna says she's half border collie and half mix, predominantly keeshond. I don't even know if this breed guess is still on this website but hope you get it.