Basenjis and Shibas (and similar breeds)

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hmmm how about...

      Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen

     Silken Windhound (long haired, whippet sized sighthound - if you don't think Greys and Whippets though, chances are you don't like sighthounds)

      Kai Inu - I have seen these at UKC shows they're really neat!

    • Gold Top Dog

    • Gold Top Dog

     You're describing my dog. Yes, she competes in a sport that requires the dog to be "into" it's owner, but she isn't, LOL. She's more often seen blowing me off in the ring, to watch the dumb bell fly in the next ring, or the Golden walk past, or sniff the air. That's why it's such a HUGE accomplishment to do anything, with her. 


    She loves tug, and ball, and frisbee, til she gets bored of me, then she's off to smell the daisies. 


    Only problem? She had to be permanently separated from my rabbits, at 9 weeks. The giant bunny sat there, and sniffed noses, and got attacked. Emma did learn to walk past a rabbit's house without trying to maul them, but she still gives an interested sniff, and she can't be let loose near one. She catches wild rabbits, if I don't call her off fast enough. 


    She's probably a bit small, and a bit prey driven, for you, but I was very entertained by you describing my best girl. Half the time, she prefers not to go with me. She'd rather stay here, and guard the couch. The puppy, however, wants to be up my butt, all the time. 

    • Gold Top Dog



    Look at that little black fox go! Big Smile

    I thought they were fluffier than that. We like fluff as long as we can still see it's a dog and not a ball. Lizzie is definately a dog! She'd look very sexy with fluffy black and tan Lap-hund bear here. Wink

    SWs are gorgeous, but not in this country. No Kai Inus, either. I suggested PBGVs to the other half and he says he doesn't like the hair. For someone that once told me he doesn't mind what kind of dog I get as long as it loves him he's surprisingly picky! 

    It has occurred to me that I'm rather into any terrier equivalent as long as it's not a terrier. Stick out tongue Kit met a Jack Russell once. It was accidental. The dog had never laid eyes on a small furry animal before, but she took one look at Kit (same size as her) and thought all her Christmases had come at once. I think that if this could work it needs to be a dog that is capable of thinking while being extremely excited. That's why I reckon Pyry would have been all right if he'd been introduced to the rabbits earlier. He totally thinks while he is hunting. I can work with a dog that's thinking even if it's thinking of doing something I desperately need it not to do. But if it doesn't think and just reacts I don't know how we would go. What do Basenjis and Shibas do? Are they thinkers or blind attackers?

    • Gold Top Dog

     They *do* get more coat than that- she's still a baaaaaaby- but it's really not unreasonable. (Similar to Kivi, to be honest.) I really love this breed, and I wish they were more readily available in the US- I'm probably going to end up importing my next one from Australia.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hmm... I know you said you don't like terriers, so I didn't mention them before but what about Bedlingtons? they aren't a typical terrier at all. They were a breed I always thought were funny looking and wasn't at all interested in bit everyone that I have met over the years has been a really cool dog. If the look isn't totally your thing, they can be groomed differently too, which is the advantage of dogs with that sort of coat. I think they could fit what you are looking for temperament wise pretty nicely and they are about the right size too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I want something that will actually play frisbee and tug with me for more than 2 minutes. I want something NOT people oriented.


    I think you is gonna need TWO more dogs! Stick out tongue