pls help n identify Whiskey' s breed!.....

    • Bronze

    pls help n identify Whiskey' s breed!.....

    Hello there, i have just bought this cute dog... The seller told me that, he is a Japanese mix dog.... But i have no idea what this reed actually is. mind to help out? thnx.

    You will find more pix from my photo profiles....

    • Gold Top Dog

     Japanese what?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Shikoku Inu? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    are you in a different country? Japanese breeds commonly seen here in the USA are Akita and Shiba and some Kai-Ken...not so much the Kishu or Shikoku or Tosa. While I can possibly maybe see Shikoku in your is a pup and will likely change a LOT in the coming weeks. Be sure to post updated pictures so we can see!

    • Bronze

    Just bought it on 15th Mac... The seller said, he is 1 month old.. and a Japanese Mix. But i would wish to know further about the exact breed of its kind.. people said it looks like Shikoku Inu.. I do think so, because their fur look quite similar... but i am for sure my kind of dog will not grow any larger as the one of that kind like Shikoku...

     Just went for 1st vaccination, and he weighed about 1 KG only.

    Help me please.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's pretty tough to tell from the one picture in your profile -- need to see him standing and from a couple of angles. 

    If he's only a month old -- please be careful.  That is WAY too young to be placed (and in most states it's actually illegal to place/sell a dog under EIGHT weeks old).  He really should barely be weaned at that age.  And this pup is too young for vaccines -- when a puppy is born they get, in the new mother's milk, "maternal antibodies" -- in other words some of their immunity initially comes from momma dog.

    BUT ... that has to wear off in order for vaccines to produce immunity.  If the shots are given too young, then the shots are literally ineffective and wasted.  BUT the problem is, those shots DO stress such a young system (because they are being exposed to disease cells).

    You can search on here for vaccination protocols -- and I like Dr. Jean Dodds protocols the best (you can find those all over the internet ).  Here is one page with the protocols spelled out clearly:

    It would help if you put more photos in your section and then copy the url into your post.  (Use the "tree" icon in the bar of buttons above where you type your post).

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes, please listen to Callie - she is right...... if this pup is that young, he needs special care and nutritional supplements. His immune system is not developed enough to fight off infections and diseases and you should try to keep him away from dog parks for a while. He is a cutie, but I'm not sure of his breed...... Good luck!
    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't think anyone could tell you the exact mix except maybe the seller.  Guessing the breed is just a guess.  Please take precautions with this pup since he was removed so young from his litter.  Was there a special circumstance that required the seller to let the pup go so early?  Is there any chance the seller will keep the puppy with his dam for a few more weeks?  The pup would benefit greatly and you would too in the long run. Many people feel that when a puppy is eating solid food he is ready to leave the litter but this is not true.  As was said, he needs the continued immunity he receives from his dam's milk and he needs the social learning from his dam and any littermates.   

    You might want to do some research on puppy development, there is a ton of information and it will help you help your little pup if he can't go back to his mother for a few weeks more.  Best of luck and keep us posted.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The first time I looked I thought maybe a Shikoku or Shikoku mix but then thought it can't be based on size, but I did not realize the dog is only 4 weeks old. Sad

    I'm not sure what good a vaccination for a 4 week old, 2lb puppy will do.  Nikon got one at 8 weeks, the day I picked him up, and I was told they may or may not work, depending on whether the immunities/antibodies from the mother are still coming into play.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Moderator here. I have joined your two posts together. Please do not make multiple posts for the same question. It's easier for people to answer your questions effectively when there is ONE thread. Thank you.

    • Bronze

    Thnx Moderator... for all your kind work.

    Look, it is quite hard for me to believe Whiskey is only 1 month old and 1 KG. when i saw him. May be the seller lied about the age. The seller told me, someone brought Whiskey that morning, and told her, the puppy's mother had passed away, Whiskey actually has another sibling, but was sold out when i was about to purchase him.

    Whiskey didn't look as fragile as puppy that is 1 month old. He is very playful, eat a lot. And getting use to poo and pee at the certain area we taught him to be. The vet should have warned me if Whiskey was not allowed to get the 1st vaccination, but they didnt mentioned anything about it though. And even asked to bring him on 2nd vaccin on coming month.

     So, for now there is nothing to worry about his health problem, or his ability to the new house and new environment. Haha... he barks a lot, when especially someone anonymous passing by the playground- we live at corner house just beside a children playground.

     I will post latest pix of him or even a short video, and hope that you could help and identified the breed. i tried to search from Internet though, but it doesn't seemed working out. And to remind you, the seller knew nothing about the puppy, she just told me, 'it is a japanese Mix breed'... To me, this doesn't look like Japanese Chin tho, because Whiskey has sharp mouth structure.. and he does really look like miniature of Husky, or Shikoku.

     Thnx for your time.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Screams akita to me though the size seems a bit small though that could be explained if the other parent was on the smaller side.  Don't know just looks similar to a number of akita pups I've seen, especially the angulation in the face/muzzle.  Pups can change a lot as they grow so it will probably be easier to guess once he finishes growing.