Herders & Eye Contact

    • Gold Top Dog

    Herders & Eye Contact

    WOW! I cannot say enough about the eye contact I saw given by the herders in class last night. There was a BC, 2 Aussies, and a Belgian Tervuran (sp?), 2 Irish Water Spaniels (what unusual dogs!), and Jeremy and I with Apollo.

    One Aussie was fear reactive towards men. I had Jeremy at class with me last night. This dog, as soon as it saw Jeremy (he didn't even see the dog), was locked in a stare with him...then the Woo!Woo!Woo! started...well, the owner used Jeremy. She had him not look at the dog at all but toss treats to it. By the end of class the dog was comfortable around Jeremy.

    • Gold Top Dog

    lol I believe it. I am so NOT a Herding breed person. I like that little is going on up in the heads of my dogs beyond the usual doggy things...not world domination or what if games LOL. Well aside from perhaps...Shirley.

    I couldn't take that sort of intensity on a daily basis...from what I see at dog parks etc it'd just plain wear me out. I do love Terv's tho!

    • Gold Top Dog

    It really was crazy the way you could see them thinking!

    • Gold Top Dog

    So how did your big boy do in class and did you have/need a crate?

    Herding breeds are way too smart for me!  LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    So how did your big boy do in class and did you have/need a crate?

    He did very well! I was impressed, actually. He was a little uneasy, new place, lots of new dogs, but after a minute he settled right down.

    The trainer used him as an example on how to loose leash walk (he knew how to do that already). He did great for awhile. I was proud of him....until he decided to try to walk away from her (by pulling like a bull) and come back to me, lol.  

    Get this- they didn't even use the crates at all!!! Everyone brought in their crates, set them up, and not one of the dogs used them. So....I'm not going to worry about it.

    • Gold Top Dog


    lol I believe it. I am so NOT a Herding breed person. I like that little is going on up in the heads of my dogs beyond the usual doggy things...not world domination or what if games LOL. Well aside from perhaps...Shirley.

      I have herding breed dogs that can open gates, cupboards and one has even figured out doorknobs. One figured out two separate types of childproof latches on the cupboard doors - she actually could open them better than adlts who came to visit. Can't leave towels on the fridge door handle because they will use it to pull the door open. Oh and one took to turning our stove on, so childproof latches there too. One of my puppy people had a problem with her 5 month old letting herself out of the crate when no one was home. She has a three door crate and all three doors have to have two dog leash clips on them to keep her in.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ack see! exhausting...tho probably a bit stimulating as well. LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I LOVE herders. I grew up with herding breeds my whole life so anything less frustrates me to no end. Hounds are the most frustrating, I have no idea what they're thinking. I love a responsive, in tune dog that is thinking. My papillons actually stare a lot too, probably just as much as the herding breeds I've had, and people that meet them mention it. Summer in particular will lock eyes for long long periods of time. It freaked my roomies out.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I have no idea what they're thinking.

    Umm they're like men...they're thinking of food, sex, or scratching themselves. Don't make things harder than they are, Laurelin...that might be the whole issue right there. LMBO. 


    • Gold Top Dog
    Probably, lol! I've learned after working with hounds a lot in the shelter, you can get a long ways with food. Though right now my only herding dog is a very erm.... 'special' one. Trey completely lacks in any kind of intuition or common sense that the rest of our dogs have had to varying degrees. He's quite frankly an idiot, but a lovable one. He doesn't lack in weird quirks or neuroticism at all. Funnily enough my parents both would talk about how dumb their collie mixes were. I don't know if we had bad luck or what, but it seems to me with herders you either have a really sharp dog or one that's totally inept.
    • Gold Top Dog

    *chuckles*...not only do they think and solve they talk back if they think they are being short changed, I hate to tell you how many times I have been muttered at, sassed back, and even had a heavy sigh or 2 thrown my way. They can also understand complete statements, for example I fed Kord some potato one night while cooking dinner, he took into the next room, put it on the floor and came back for more. I very clearly told him to forget it, until you eat the other piece, your not getting anything else. Since the next item up for treats was some chicken, he walked back and ate that potato, quickly I might add. So don't tell me they don't understand!

    They aslo remember EVERYTHING, like where you hid all 12 of the frisbee's, 4 tennis balls, 3 stuffies, 10 bones and so on. And that includes the treats on the back porch and the 2 bones buried in the yard 2 years ago.


    • Gold Top Dog
    They aslo remember EVERYTHING, like where you hid all 12 of the frisbee's, 4 tennis balls, 3 stuffies, 10 bones and so on. And that includes the treats on the back porch and the 2 bones buried in the yard 2 years ago.


    I think some Herding DNA slipped into Shirley. I gave her a cookie ONCE and now whenever she comes in she runs right to the exact spot where it happened and STARES at me. "See to my dietary needs at once! puny human!"

    • Gold Top Dog

    My DH is scared of Kenya, in a funny way.  He's used to crazy, goofy, untrained dogs and he still can't get over how she "watches every move" he makes.

    • Gold Top Dog


    My DH is scared of Kenya, in a funny way.  He's used to crazy, goofy, untrained dogs and he still can't get over how she "watches every move" he makes.

    My husband's cousin come's into town often and visits, now Kord knows him, and Cliff is not the type to panic, but he is absolutly amazed at the attention Kord lavishes on him, some good, some not so good.

    Pretty hard to eat when someone's eyes are burning a hole at the scooping end of your fork, willing it to fall on the floor, or throwing something? my goodness he would make us millions if we could hide a tennis ball under a shell for a shell game. We would win every time.

    • Gold Top Dog
    My paps actually are the ones that understand full sentences and can even understood some spelled words. We're trying so hard to trick Beau we've had to change the phrase for taking dogs to go potty so many times. Now, Nikki was the queen of backtalking. She and I would lay into each other all the time. She was all talk though. ;) If she didn't want to do something you told her to, she'd complain to high heaven. There was no doubt she was calling you some very nasty things in her own way. :D