What breed is this puppy?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What breed is this puppy?

    So, I posted a couple of days ago that I was going to get this one puppy, but was having trepidation (i.e. cold feet).  After much consideration, I told the fella I would not be taking her.  Something didn't feel right.  Fast forward to early this morning. I was still on the lookout for a pup, but figured it would be a while till I found one that made me squeal with excitement.  Then, I found her:


    She was a stray.  I know absolutely nothing about her, other than she settles into her crate nicely at night (the husband found her a couple of days ago) and that she is probably somewhere around 7-8 weeks, but that's a guess.  They said she's a sweetheart who loves to snuggle.  I absolutely squealed and wanted to jump up immediately and go get her.  No second thoughts, no cold feet....I'd be on the way out the door right now if they said come get her.  She's on Craig's list, so I have to wait and see if I hear back.  The competition on there is fierce, and mostly a bunch of weirdies.  I hope my email will stand out and that I can at least go see her.  They weren't giving her to the first person who walks in...so at least I have a chance.


    Anyway.....breed guesses?  my first inclination is an English Shepherd mix...there are lots of farms around here, so you do see them.  I had also considered collie or sheltie mix, border collie mix or aussie mix.  I found this photo below of an ES mix puppy with the same colorings, so that seems to be where I'm settled in:


    Got any input???  PS...wish me luck.  I'm obsessively checking my email every 10 minutes.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Good luck - that is a Q-T! ES may be right on - could also be Pyr mixed with any number of the herding breeds (the badger markings on a Pyr fade with time but this characteristic is recessive).
    • Gold Top Dog

    I hadn't thought of a pyr mix!   I guess I'll be able to tell me when/if I get to meet her.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is absolutely adorable!  Please keep us posted on when you hear back from your email.

    • Gold Top Dog

    There it is!!! There's the excitement that one has when she has found THE dream dog.  This puppy is adorable!  Best of luck to you.  Be obsessive and persistent.  That's how I got Bruder home last September.  Big Smile

    Keep us posted, I know you will!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh my, what a cutie!  As for breed/mix, as the last picture was loading, I thought it was another picture of the pup you were asking about.  So I'd say your guess of English Shepherd mix was a good one

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh my gosh, she finally emailed back and said they had tons of responses that they hadn't responded to yet, but she felt like she needed to respond to me.  We are trying to figure out a time for me to get up there to see the puppy and meet them (her husband wants to meet whoever takes the dog because he found her) and he works late, so it makes it tricky...but we'll figure it all out.  And she's willing to keep her there till Monday after my in-laws leave.  I answered back and sent her as much info about what we were like as far as our pets are concerned, and photos of all of us including Misty, so that she'd get a good feel for who we were in the meantime.

    She said she is laid back and snuggly, but playful.  She said she is still learning to run and sort of trips over her feet sometimes.  It makes me think she's probably younger than 8 weeks for sure.  I wonder where she came from and why someone dumped her?  People do that a lot in NC, but it still amazes me.

    Now, let's see what my husband says and if he is as smitten as I am.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I am calling for an Aussie mix.
    • Gold Top Dog


    Now, let's see what my husband says and if he is as smitten as I am.

    Well, how could anyone not be smitten with that cutie pie?!  This sounds very promising...I'm so excited for you!

    BTW, I didn't post in your Cold Feet thread, but I recently went through the exact same thing.  Saw a dog on Petfinder, put in the application with the rescue group, spoke to the foster mom 3 times for a total of about 2 hours, and everything sounded great.  But that niggling "this isn't right" feeling wouldn't go away.  Met the dog, and let's just say it was not a good fit.  So, we declined on the adoption.  But I just know the same thing will happen for us...we'll know it when we find the right dog, just like we did when we first saw Harry.  I'm just so thrilled for you, and I really hope this works out for you.  Keeping all fingers and paws crossed here!

    • Bronze

    Omg, she's so adorable! It's wonderful that you're thinking of rescuing her.

    Best of luck to you and the pup.

    PS. The pic of the ES mix looks insanely similar to her!

    • Gold Top Dog

    PS. The pic of the ES mix looks insanely similar to her!

    I sent that picture to the lady who is rehoming her and she said the same thing! She said it looked so much like her, she was amazed!!!  I don't know what she is, but she's cute!!!  I can't wait to meet her.

    • Gold Top Dog

    we are going tonight to meet her. yay!

    • Gold Top Dog

    real quick...

    My hubby freaked out a little because he was immediately convinced she was a St. Bernard mix.  Anyone see that?  I can sort of see that.  Personally, I don't care....she's cute and supposedly sweet, and that's what matters.  I like a big dog OR a small dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    here's another picture of her sleeping

    puppy.jpg picture by LisaScheidt

    • Gold Top Dog

    Tell your DH not to worry much! Generally with Giant-breed crosses, they come down in size(at least a little!) and females are smaller anyway! Wink

    I think she looks like an herding breed of some sort(ie - Border Collie, Aussie, English Shepherd, ect...)!!

    Way cute! And, GOOD LUCK!