Need multi-breed info! Please!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Need multi-breed info! Please!

    I have changed my senior project....again! LOL! But, my evil english teacher likes this one a lot better. My new subject is.....Choosing the right Dog for You! Yup! So, I'm going over : Breeds, Training, Grooming, Feeding, Vet Care, Spay/Neutering, and Shelter dog/Mutt vs. Purebred/Breed-By Dog's. I'm using AKC and Breed-Specific Registries.

    Here's my breeds I chose, mind you, I'm choosing based on my prefrence, and most of these dogs are 'dangerous' breeds. I'm choosing the 'dangerous' dogs because I'm hoping to change some opinions on these dogs, even if it is just a few people at my high school.

    American Pit Bull Terrier/American Staf.
    Chow Chow
    Australian Cattle Dog
    Border Collie
    (of course!)
    Chinese Crested
    Irish Setter
    Jack/Parson Russell Terrier
    German Shepherd

    I'm going to do 1-2 paragraphs per breed(its a 10 page paper). So, along with the books I will be getting at the libary in a little bit, would you all point me in the direction of a few web sites along with personal knowledge?

    • Gold Top Dog is a favorite of mine.

    You can also try breed clubs, and obviously the AKC and UKC sites.

    I'll have to find the link to the temperment testing site - but that is also a good tool.

    Stay away from wiki, and

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would start with the AKC and follow their links to the parent clubs for each breed.

    What about including the excercise requirement and time commitment for each breed?  The biggest impact, for me, of owning a GSP is his need to run off leash and that was a big consideration in choosing the breed.

    • Gold Top Dog


    What about including the excercise requirement and time commitment for each breed?  The biggest impact, for me, of owning a GSP is his need to run off leash and that was a big consideration in choosing the breed.

    For each breed I was going to have:

    A tad on there grooming

    If anyone could add some thing else to that list please do!

    • Gold Top Dog


    They are standoffish with strangers, extremely loyal/devoted to family and very intelligent. They are one of the most "useful" breeds out there really as they can be trained for herding, guarding, protection work, detection dogs (drugs, bombs, chemicals, cancer - you name it and a GSD has probably been trained to find it) and service dogs (guide dogs, hearing dogs, seizure alert dogs, mobility dogs and now as assitance dogs autism). Not many other breeds have been as versatile of working dogs as GSDs. Their strong guarding instinct does require early training and socialization and a responsible owner. Breeding is everything with a GSD too - the parents MUST be sound, trainable and level headed if you expect the puppy you get to grow up to be the same.

     For grooming - they are German Shedders! Really out of a Dobe mix, a rough Collie, a corgi and the Belgians the GSDs by far shed the most. They are in no way for someone who is bothered by dog hair because you will find GSD tumbleweeds in the house ;)


    • Gold Top Dog

    maybe include a bit of breed history? Like GSD's were used in wars, as were pits - include what the breed was bred TO do, how that's changed in present day, etc.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks Erica!

    I just got back from the libary, and I now have 22 books on different breeds, training, dog food, and a few general doggie books.

    I've also got a new breed list(my libary didnt have many breed books, so Cresties are out)

    Sibierian Husky - Siberian Huskies
    Rottweiler - The Rottweiler. A New Owners Guide to Rottweilers.
    Australian Cattle Dog - Australian Cattle Dogs
    Chow Chow - A New Owners Guide to Chow Chows
    Akita - A New Owners Guide to Akitas
    American Pit Bull Terrier - The American Pit Bull Terrier Handbook
    German Shepherd - The Everything German Shepherd Book. Dog Breed Handbook: German Shepherds.
    Beagles - Animal Planet: Beagles
    Dachshund - Breeder's Best: Dachshund
    Jack Russell - JRTs for Dummies
    Border Collie(can't remember the name of it, I got this book when we got Tucker...)

    Other books:
    Pet food Nation
    Dog Food
    Getting Started: Clicker Training
    Dog Training
    Clicking with Your Dog
    Dogs for Kids(LOL, mom picked it)
    Dog Obedience Training
    The Original Dog Bible
    The New Encyclopedia of the Dog

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with VanMorrison and Erica. For breed info I would use AKC and then the links for the clubs. I have read very questionable information on other sites. I would also include breed history, that was a big factor for us when we decided on a Rottweiler. A lot of the other breeds we were looking at had a history of dog aggression. While they may not be bred for that now, it was still definately worth considering.

    • Bronze

     I have nothing to add, but your senior project seems really interesting.

    Good luck! 

    • Gold Top Dog


     A lot of the other breeds we were looking at had a history of dog aggression. While they may not be bred for that now, it was still definately worth considering.

    Not only that - but some of the history is really interesting! Like how some dogs were 'royalty', and bred for the kings and queens, and how some were used for various hunting - like doxies - many people don't realize they are hunting dogs. Or how different breeds evolved form eachother. I just think it's interesting - you could get a lot of pages written on the history of the breeds. I love researching things like that

    Good luck Meg!

    • Gold Top Dog



     A lot of the other breeds we were looking at had a history of dog aggression. While they may not be bred for that now, it was still definately worth considering.

    Not only that - but some of the history is really interesting! Like how some dogs were 'royalty', and bred for the kings and queens, and how some were used for various hunting - like doxies - many people don't realize they are hunting dogs. Or how different breeds evolved form eachother. I just think it's interesting - you could get a lot of pages written on the history of the breeds. I love researching things like that

    Good luck Meg!

    Ouuu!! YEA!!!! I loooove history, and adding DOGS to that just makes it AWSOME!!!! LOL! I'm so glad you guy's are around! I would be a tad lost without ya!

    I'm going to start reading up on my breeds to night, first up will be the Chow, I think. Thou I have un-fond memories, they desserve a chance to re-gain there good name!