New Guess the Breeds - Easy One

    • Gold Top Dog

    New Guess the Breeds - Easy One

    This is our new neighbor's dog. She's the one you hear barking now when I post a training video of Ted herding. Jasmine is about three years old, very playful and clever, extremely active, can't be trusted off leash or she will run and not come back, and is fiercely territorial. But she loves the kids and other dogs. Jaz is FAT, so imagine not quite so much bulk to get an idea of her real shape - but she is very stocky. I'd guess she weighs 75 pounds, but her ideal weight would be closer to 69 pounds. In spite of her bulk she's very agile, can jump flatfooted on a platform they made for her across the two dog houses in her lot, that is about 40 inches high. Jasmine is a known F1 cross. [IMG][/IMG] If you miss one of the breeds, you should turn in your dog lover's card - lol! [IMG][/IMG] But then you look and say, huh? [IMG][/IMG]
    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, theres some Rottie in there fore sure.  Do I get to keep my card?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Looks like a fat version of my friend's purebred Rott (yep, with a tail!) but the fur is a tad longer so maybe a Rott/lab mix?

    • Gold Top Dog

    MAN is she built downhill eh? I mean that front is a ton lower than the rear LOL. Points maybe to something smaller in there? Something houndy given the propensity to run off LOL. Or something you hinted lol. The Rottie is a a given. I will say Aussie...just for giggles.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Everyone who guessed Rott gets to keep their card! Jaz's sire was a well-bred conformation champion who jumped the neighbor's fence.
    MAN is she built downhill eh? I mean that front is a ton lower than the rear LOL.
    Seriously, isn't that a hoot? Not Aussie. Your other guesses were closer. No one's gotten the other half right yet either.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Houndy was closer eh? Black and tan...hmmm Dachshund? *cackles* some kinda Coondog?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Rott/Basset Hound

    • Gold Top Dog
    No and no, although a badger hunting dog is closer. And the breed's not black and tan. ETA: No on the Basset.
    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL oookay Badger eh? I got nothin...Dachs are the only dogs I know about that go after Badger/vermin unless we get into Terriers...

    Soo....Staffordshire Terrier?

    • Gold Top Dog

    No and no, although a badger hunting dog is closer. And the breed's not black and tan. ETA: No on the Basset.


    Hmm- I thought Daschunds were bred to hunt badgers, but Gina already guessed them.  For some stupid reason, I'm going to guess Norwegian Elkhound.  Don't know why- nothing in Jaz's body build says Elkie to me.  It just kind of popped into my head. 

     Wait!! Another guess- Clumber Spaniel

    • Gold Top Dog
    No, badgers are closer, as in an animal that lives in a hole in the ground. A hound that is used to hunt animals who live in holes. Ie, small animals. Not Elkhound. Or Clumber. I'm really surprised Gina's not getting this one!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Don't be suprised, I refuse to guess where you're leading on principal...I don't believe it LOL. Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog
    lol A Reagle?
    • Gold Top Dog
    BeagWeiler! Please remember - it was NOT on purpose. LOL
    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL...that's a mighty big Beagle mix.  Hope the mama was the Rottie.  Tongue Tied