Guess the breeds - Lynn!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess the breeds - Lynn!

    Okay.  No fair if you have heard the story and know from another board what Lynn is.  I've been meaning to do this for a while - this will be fun because I often interject into the "what breed" discussions that sometimes a dog sort of takes averages from different breeds - or inherits unexpected characteristics instead of what you'd think would be the most important ones.

    So I know what Lynn is, through some funny and odd coincidences.  I'll give you a hint.  She's more than two breeds.


    She has a light coarse coat with a very thick undercoat and a huge tail:


    She works sheep:



    Uses "eye" in play too:


    She's obsessed with birds - she'll track them in the air, watch them land, then chase them off so she can do it again.


    She loves to swim - she's a zen swimmer - just swims in circles for the joy of it.


    Other things: she's hard headed as Mount Rushmore, she has a very "soft" mouth, she's about 23.5 inches tall and 62 pounds, she sheds like it's going out of style, she has spots of brindling through her yellow coat in addition to her obvious black face, yes she has webbed toes, AND she has purple spots on her tongue.  Actually, you can see them in one of the above pictures.

    Okay, let's play! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh I'm glad you're doing this! From your signature she looks like a Leonberger but these photos show alot more coat than Cleo.Maybe GSD/Great Pyrenes?



    • Gold Top Dog

    so you found out there is no Leo? Or you found out what is there besides Leo? Oooh a mystery!

    I am going with If there is NO Leo...

    Golden and Chow and BC

    or if there IS Leo...

    Golden Leo and BC

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog

    My wild guess, Golden retriever, Anatolian/Pyr.

    • Gold Top Dog

    um, I think I'm really bad at this game, but it's fun anyway. She's sooo pretty. I will guess chow, anatolian, English setter. I will feel lucky if I got even one thing right Sad

    • Gold Top Dog

     Looks just like Coke with different colors!!

    something, something, and Malinois

    • Gold Top Dog

    So far, BC is right, plus Lies was CLOSE with Malinois, and no Leo (sadly - pretty wild how close she looks though, huh?). We got Golden too I think? OK, keep  guessing, one more breed.  My hint should help.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Terveuren?  They have that black masking, don't they?

    • Gold Top Dog

    hehe 2 outta 3 for I'm good. NI on the last but I am content with having 2/3's right. I rest upon my laurels and order someone to bring me grapes!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Oh no, no grapes Gina.  I am depending on you to figure out the last bit. BC and Golden were EASY!  LOL.

    Not Terv.  Again, close.  Keep guessing! 

    • Silver


    • Gold Top Dog

    Setter?  (Birdy, soft mouth etc)

    • Gold Top Dog

    OK, so Golden/BC ... and I'll bite with the afghan.  I'll add Belgian. And Mallinois.

    Fun game!

    • Gold Top Dog

    alright alright you said something about brindle...which always makes me think APBT or Akita but honesty I see neither...too light in something light in said Malinois was in the ballpark? and comes in brindle...sighthound perhaps? But the

    why would a sighthound be in the ballpark Gina? duh...okay...brindle and herds...if we're taking Mals as Herders and not like...Guard...brindly spindly herder from Belgium...LMAO...

    Not Beauceron...they don't come in brindle...