Breed suggestions...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breed suggestions...

    Not for me this time! LOL! For my Gandma, if she is strong enough after kemo and still wants a dog, I am going to get her one. She needs it to be a small dog, under 25pounds? And no need much up-keep, like, no Shih Tzu's because they need hair-cuts regularly, so, smooth or wired hair. She said a rescue or older dog would be fine. But, I just need a few breed ideas, and then maybe I can search around a little....her only rule is no Chihuahua's....she doen't care for them. Open to basicly everything else thou.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What about an IG?

    What about a senior terrier of one of the smooth-coated breeds, if she likes terriers?

    Heck, if she's willing to adopt a senior, MANY breeds could work. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    She would probably not mind adopting a senior. I'm checking petfinder now, but most of the small breeds or breed-rescues are asking $150-$600 for a dog. Thats crazy. I saw a male, 14y/o Yorkie, and the rescue is asking $600. Thats a bit steep. People can BUY a Yorkie Pup for that much, not good for a rescue, ya know?

    The only seniors I'm seeing are the $500+ dogs, and I can;t afford that. There is a Pomeranian mix in her counties AC(very high-kill) but shes young and small, I'm not to worried about her. But, she might work with my Grandma.

    I know IG's need coats in the winter, I'm not sure how much she would like dressing the dog, althou she is handy with a sewing machine.....

    • Gold Top Dog

     the pom might be too much with the hair too. they tend to shed and also need brushing, though not quite as bad as poodles and the like. and they tend be a bit barky. in fact i've noticed they're a lot like chihuahuas,... the ones i've met have been like chis anyway.

    what about an elderly cocker or spaniel type breed? 

    i dont know anything about IGs but the coat thing is only seasonal right? and all the dog coats i've seen have been fairly simple and look easy to put on.


    • Gold Top Dog

    IG'sare notorious for NOT being easy to housebreak...even to paper. Might consider that. A clean dog would be a bonus for a Senior Citizen..esp one with an immune system that might be weakened due to chemo.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Senior citizen!!!  LMAO  Meg's grandma is probably my age, 56, and although IHOP does let me order off the senior section I don't feel that elderly yet.  LOL  It is a good point though because if she is recovering from cancer/chemo she won't feel too perky for a while.

    I think the important point in this whole thread is what will happen to the dog if the owner becomes unable to care for it?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yea, her cancer is terminal, even with the kemo. I think a senior dog would suit her best if she wants one still. I've seen a few older cocker spainels and beagles that might work well with her, and a Doxie or 2.....I just don't know yet. I'll keep looking if you guys can keep the breeds coming!

    • Gold Top Dog


    I think the important point in this whole thread is what will happen to the dog if the owner becomes unable to care for it?

    Honestly, it will either come to me or go to my cuzin. My cuzin has been wanting a dog sense she could talk, all they have are cats. And then I have all the dog-savvy(well, sorta). Either way, the dog wouldn't be without a home.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I recommend a senior rescue dog.  For an elderly person, I know that the concern about the dog outliving them is a very big worry. 

    Some rescues here in the UK offer to pay the animals vet bills for you for its whole life, if they have any conditions which need constant treatment.  Those dogs really struggle for homes, nobody wants an old dog that needs regular meds.  I don't know if any rescues there do the same thing?

    • Gold Top Dog
    What about a Chihuahua? Most Chi's I have met have been friendly little dogs who love the be with their 'one' person.

    Some More Breeds That Might Be Suitable

    Chihuahua Info

    Chinese Crested (hairless)

    Toy Poodle


    • Gold Top Dog

     Chihuahua is the one she doesn't like... I think.

    A toy would definitely be a good option, but a poodle does require a lot of grooming so that is out too I think....?

    • Gold Top Dog

    She says Chihuahua's yap too much, LOL.

    She likes Poodles suprisingly.....but the cost of a groomer every month wouldn't work too well....unless I learned how to shave a dog....She's 65, I want to say, and lives on SS and Retirement for a state-paid worker(any fellow NC-er's know how baldy state-paid workers get paid, imagine retirement....seriously)

    When we talked about this over the summer, she like Doxies a lot....

    But, I do agree, a senior or older adult woould probably be best. And much calmer too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Doxies are fun little dogs.  They are quite difficult to house train, & they do have a very stubborn streak.  They are "what's in it for me" dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog
    A Toy Poodle would be a good suggestion. I heard they do amazing with Senior Citizens.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I think a senior doxie would be a great fit for an older person.  They can be stubborn and hard to housebreak but that is pretty much true of *most* small breeds with the exception of maybe poodles.  They also can have the tendency to bark a lot, so if grandma doesn't like yappy chihuahuas, she might not like the voice on a doxie!  Every dog is an individual though, and so many chi's out there hardly conform to the breed standard with regards to either conformation or temperment due to their popularity, so the right dog can be found within any breed.