Beagles who drool?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Beagles who drool?

    Hi everyone, hoping to get a response from some beagle breeders or people very familiar with them. I have two beagles, half siblings, and they're the first beagles I've owned. My fiance has had beagles all his life (about 13 of them total) and has never had one who drools. Our AKC registered Beagle doesn't drool whatsoever, but our non registered beagle... does. A lot. Not just a little, big long strings hanging from his jowls, haha. I didn't know beagles drooled. He's about 35 lbs, albiet a little bit chubby. Big thick legs... I think he isn't registered for a reason, I think he's mixed with a basset or something way back in his genetics. We saw both parents (beagles were fathered by the same dog) and the father is definitely pure beagle, the mom... was a BIG beagle, though looked pure enough. Do some beagles just have big floppy jowls and drool?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've never had one. they are not a flewed breed tho some do have them....but none of mine drool. I might have him checked over by a vet for salivary gland issues, or potentially foreign bodies in the mouth, growths, bad teeth or gums, etc.

    • Gold Top Dog


    He's been looked over a lot in the mouth/chest because he has an elongated soft pallet. Everything else seems to be in order... think the pallet issue could cause drooling? He has a ton of extra skin on his neck and mouth. Maybe a combination of the heavy jowls and pallet?