
    • Gold Top Dog

     For me, it would have nothing to do with the size of the apartment. (The best coonhound owner I know lives in a 600 square foot cabin with 14 indoor dogs in the Ozarks. He's like something out of a Virginia Lanier novel or something, he's SO weird, but he's awesome, his dogs are taken GREAT care of and adore him.) It'd have to do with the extremely close proximity of neighbors and potential for thin walls to mean that even a LITTLE barking and vocal behavior would be problematic. It's one of the reasons that I'd be very cautious about selling a collie to an apartment dweller- nothing to do with the energy level (and I think they're more suitable than Aussies or BCs!) but it'd need to be an owner experienced in training collies specificallly. When there's a potential for upset neighbors and eviction with relatively little room for error? Experiment with something that ISN'T my puppy, like a nice quiet but active breed like whippets.

    • Gold Top Dog


     ...The best coonhound owner I know lives in a 600 square foot cabin with 14 indoor dogs in the Ozarks.

    Surprise How does he even FIT them all in there?