Warning! Lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Warning! Lol.

    I'm just warning all of you now.  I'm doing research on many different breeds since I'm seriously pursing Conformation. The final choice of a pup won't be for many years but I'd like to get started now so I can find a mentor. My trainer is going to help me out as much as she can but she's an OB/agility trainer. I'm just glad she's willing to help and if there's a show near me, we're going to watch and talk to the handlers.

    I'd just like to have an idea of a breed so I can be some what smart when I ask my questions. Lol

    So this is my warning to you head of time. Be prepared for ALOT of questions about many breeds Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    What venue of conformation?  AKC/CKC?  If so, there are some breeds I'd avoid like really popular ones very hard to go far as a beginner, or ones that involve a ton of grooming and coat maintenance.

    • Gold Top Dog

     CKC for now then later I'll advance to the AKC.  I've got a list of the less popular ones with short coats. Lol.

    It was suggested that I show my GSD pup but from what I see that's a bit to hard for a beginner. Smile And there's no GSD people near me that I could talk to.

    • Gold Top Dog


     CKC for now then later I'll advance to the AKC.  I've got a list of the less popular ones with short coats. Lol.

    It was suggested that I show my GSD pup but from what I see that's a bit to hard for a beginner. Smile And there's no GSD people near me that I could talk to.



     GSD are extremely hard to show in AKC. Your dog first has to be the right "type" (American Show Lines) and even having the right type of GSD, even experience GSD people nearly always use handlers. It is uncommon for any owner-handler to finsh their dog in AKC and even more so for a newbie. CKC seems a bit more open to different types of GSDs and UKC certainly is.All that said, it doesn't hurt to start taking the GSD to conformation class :)

      So what breeds are on your list?

    • Gold Top Dog

    If so, there are some breeds I'd avoid like really popular ones very hard to go far as a beginner, or ones that involve a ton of grooming and coat maintenance

    That sure sent up a flare of agreement with me, I thought instantly of Goldens and Rotties and Dobes and...... Fabulous dogs that all require conditioning and attitude.  I will never , ever forget seeing Meg a drop dead super model of a Golden when I first started showing, I thought wow how easy would THAT breed be ???? Well after you get like a hundred of them together you were close to a major in points ( yes an exaggeration but still I have never seen that much blond hair in one place!! ) She was so special she would throw her chest out, head held high the amazing puppy grin on her face and the crowds would roar with approval for her. She was often in the BIS ring with Tryst the Number one of All time Hounds ( Afghan) and Mystique The Number One GSD bitch  I can not explain the thrill to see the three girls in the BIS ring at the same time, they had it ALL and we never skipped that final ring when they were competing.  we would jockey for a great seat bring a glass of wine and sit down ready to be awed by the talent of the handlers and the dogs.  I have never again seen that level of quality hit a South Eastern Ring since. They lit up the show grounds as they moved and stacked. Meg flirting like a true American Beauty, Tryst throwing her magnificent hair about in a manner that a Parisian Haute Couture Model would envy then Mystique would simply eat the ground as she went around the ring, her movement beyond efficient it was glorious. Not one owner /handler/beginner or oldtimer would not have given their eye teeth to have been on one of those leads! They were the Dream.

    There were breeds like mine that could build a major with less than 10 dogs , we were far more rare back then. And I knew how lucky I was to have a breed that I not only loved but allowed me a chance as a newbie to earn my place in the rings.  You had to bring quality but unlike today you were not searching for 20+ dogs to make the same 3 pointer to be able to come together in a rough economy. 

    I suggest as you research make the points guide a big part of your journey. Look into fresh breeds.  Think about Finishing a Champion not winning Best In Show...the fresh breeds do not often take the big Ribbon at the end of the day.  And keep your eyes open for the opportunity to see a Meg, Tryst, or Mystique.... It is rare to see Bitches rule a Best in Show Ring let alone several years of an entire circuit. We knew how deeply lucky we were to have that chance!

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    You've got good advice! :)  Coated, popular dogs are definitely a few to stay away from.  Also those breeds that vary a lot in type (like the GSD, as someone pointed out)... and I know you like performance sports, so pick a breed that can do both.  Conformation, unless you take BOB you'll be done in like 10 min.  If you're there for a rally/ob or agility trial as well it makes a long drive more worthwhile.

    CKC is much easier to finish a dog and from what I understand quite a bit more laid back and less political than the AKC shows.. you can also show in IABCA shows, which are also more laid back. I'm not sure if the UKC is up there, but it is just south of the Border, a ton of UKC shows in the Western WA area.  Also more laid back than the AKC. 

    Lots of options for you as far as breeds, too!  You don't need to look just in BC, either.  Look south here in the States, as most people who live in this area compete up there and vice-versa.  What you want to do is find a breeder who understands your position and is willing to give you a nice dog.  I've been hearing it's fairly common to end up with a dog that is barely above a pet quality dog if you aren't a top show home.  So, be picky.  Start Conformation classes now with Maze or Sandy so you can learn how to show, there is a lot to learn that isn't breed specific.  Go to shows, there are a ton in your area and again just south here in WA and visit all the rings you can find that breed that you just can't get enough of... and then talk to breeders about meeting them at shows and helping them get their dogs ready, watch, etc.  Having had 2+ dogs at shows I know it's awesome to have an extra pair of hands getting in with crates, dogs, walking dogs for potty, etc, etc, etc.  It'd show your sincerity, too.

    You'll love it!  There is a show here beginning of January, you should come down for a day or two and take a peek.  I'll be there all 3 days with Logan and you're welcome to come and learn about weims (among other breeds, but it's the breed I know :o)

    • Gold Top Dog


    You'll love it!  There is a show here beginning of January, you should come down for a day or two and take a peek.  I'll be there all 3 days with Logan and you're welcome to come and learn about weims (among other breeds, but it's the breed I know :o)


    I wish I could go! But I don't have a car, money or a place to stay.. *sigh*  Maybe one day! Lol

    Right now I've got some hounds, giant breeds and a couple terriers on my list. But in reality I'm open to anything except toy dogs. Alex's only input was he wanted a big dog. Lol. A lot of help he is.

    Thanks alot for the suggestions! My trainer is willing to help me as much as possible and even willing to drive in to town with me to check out some shows. So I'm not alone in this! Big Smile

    Suggestions of breeds would be great as well. Smile Like I said, I've got a list but I'm starting to second guess some of my choices. ..Tongue Tied

    • Gold Top Dog


    Right now I've got some hounds, giant breeds and a couple terriers on my list. But in reality I'm open to anything except toy dogs. Alex's only input was he wanted a big dog. Lol. A lot of help he is.

    What are your breeds so far? And i forgot what else you were looking for...

    agility was it? What other general qualities do you prefer?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm looking for a dog I can perform in Agility and Rally as well as Conformation.

    My list (which is always changing.. Lol) so far:

    Vizsla, Bloodhound (thinking about taking it off thou..), Bull Mastiff, Doberman, Weimaramer, Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Pointer (not sure which one yet), German Pointer, Nova Scotia Tolling Retriever, Coonhound, Pharaoh Hound, Plott Hound, Anatolian Shepherd, German Pinscher, Canaan Dog, Norwegian Buhund...

    I need a breed that does well with other dogs, energetic, and trainable.  Exercise wise, I'll be running with my dogs and doing sports. I also trying to avoid the Breed Ban. It's not that bad here and there's no legal passing yet but the general fear of renters is still there. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nice list! I'm a huge huge dobie fan, which generally do well with other dogs and are EXTREMELY energetic and out of control intelligent. I also love weims and viszlas. I'm not sure if bullmastiffs would be great at agility. Pharaoh hounds are awesome, but i bet they would be hard to find. Keep us updated! I know quite a few good dobie breeders if they are an option for you.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I put Bull Mastiff on my list cuz Alex wouldn't stop pouting at me. He loves that breed. Lol.

    I'm leaning toward about 5 breeds right now. But I'm not sure..Geez this is hard!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am new to conformation and have GSDs but we are showing in UKC and the GSD venues (WDA, UScA, etc).  The latter are not hard at all for new comers.  My friends have a 5 month GSD and he is their first dog.  He got third place at his first show.  But, the way the dog's are placed and titled is very different from AKC/CKC.  If I was going to do one of those seriously I would not get a GSD.

    • Gold Top Dog

     See that's what I'm talking about. If I did get a GSD, I'd want to show him in all the venues if possible but I don't want to show unless I'm experienced and stand a small chance of getting placing.  I do plan on showing seriously.

    • Gold Top Dog


     See that's what I'm talking about. If I did get a GSD, I'd want to show him in all the venues if possible but I don't want to show unless I'm experienced and stand a small chance of getting placing.  I do plan on showing seriously.


    If it's a German dog like what you would get from Bullinger you would primarily want to show in the German type venues, which are substantially easier for a newbie/HOT.  The "type" is not at all appreciated by the AKC/CKC (though there are some German/American crosses that have done quite well).  The dog would be fine for UKC and you cannot have professional handlers anyway, but I'm not sure if you have it there.

    • Gold Top Dog

    You could also check out this breeder:
