
    • Gold Top Dog


    So, i've always thought they were cute and seemed really neat, but i watched them on a show last night, and i love them!! i think i could definitely own one! Obviously, if i did ever own one it would be very far in the future, especially considering the dobie situation and my need for a GSD and RR in the home @ all times. But, MAYBE 4 dogs wouldn't be too bad...Devil

    Anyway! I haven't had too much personal experience with them, anyone want to share any knowledge (or even pics!)

    • Gold Top Dog

    They are cool dogs! All I really know is that they get cold easy and have very thin skin. I've heard they can't be trusted off leash without being in a fence - sighthound thing..? Other then that I've heard that they are wounderful dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I only watched the show last night because it had Irish Setters on it. But man did those Whippets do me in. I think I could watch one run all day. I loved the bridle gray/silver looking ones. I want one now!!!

    Ok Megan you go get a Whippet and I'll take it on weekends!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know a bit about them because my neighbor's daughter has 2. They are VERY intilligent so training would definetly not be a problem. Whippets catch on like that. But, sometimes that's not really a good thing. This breed sometimes picks up how to open gates, doors etc. They also LOVE playing with tennis balls:) (at least in my neighbor's dogs case lol) I could throw it for them all day.) Nina and Oreo LOVE my dogs but I don't know if that was bred in or just because she did SUPERB at socializing them. Oreo loves my neighbor's grandaugher also. They are sort've fragile though so playing with big dogs might be a bit of a problem for them. . But in the house I have heard that Wippets are VERY calm and sweet. The Whippets also get scared VERY EASILY so rough traning is definetly NOT an option. Also, *be sure to make sure they have a variety of things to do while training them.* The best option is usually running games.  Whippets are also VERY CLEAN dogs. They can be reserved with strangers though. So if you're a party animal I would worry about that. Also, NO small pets as they will chase and kill even at a very young age.   And, once in a while Whippets have been known to try to dominate over the owner.  

    And if you have cold winters you will need a doggy coat to go outside.

    Whippets generally love the dog park and also but also will need a 5 or 6 block walk once a day ON LEASH.

    And yet another pro Wippets don't have doggy oder. Yay!!!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My personal experience...  I think they are quite velcro compared to other sighthounds.... they get REALLY attached to "their" person/people.  They like nothing better than snuggling up in their owners bed.  Like most hounds, any soft cushy surface is fair game.  Sofa is a must have, must share item.  They do need exercise, but like greyhounds, many tend to be a bit of a couch potato in between runs and are just content to snooozzzze in between walks/runs.  They are great little dogs, friendly, apparently naturally pretty clean, low maintenance grooming-wise and generally good with (respectful) children Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Mechanical Angel

    I know a bit about them because my neighbor's daughter has 2. They are VERY intilligent so training would definetly not be a problem. Whippets catch on like that. But, sometimes that's not really a good thing. This breed sometimes picks up how to open gates, doors etc. They also LOVE playing with tennis balls:) (at least in my neighbor's dogs case lol) I could throw it for them all day.) Nina and Oreo LOVE my dogs but I don't know if that was bred in or just because she did SUPERB at socializing them. Oreo loves my neighbor's grandaugher also. They are sort've fragile though so playing with big dogs might be a bit of a problem for them. . But in the house I have heard that Wippets are VERY calm and sweet. The Whippets also get scared VERY EASILY so rough traning is definetly NOT an option. Also, *be sure to make sure they have a variety of things to do while training them.* The best option is usually running games.  Whippets are also VERY CLEAN dogs. They can be reserved with strangers though. So if you're a party animal I would worry about that. Also, NO small pets as they will chase and kill even at a very young age.   And, once in a while Whippets have been known to try to dominate over the owner.  

    And if you have cold winters you will need a doggy coat to go outside.

    Whippets generally love the dog park and also but also will need a 5 or 6 block walk once a day ON LEASH.

    And yet another pro Wippets don't have doggy oder. Yay!!!!!



     Mostly you posted some good info on the breed and it sounds like you neighbor did a great job raising their Whippets. I did want to touch on a few other things though about whippets in specific and sigththounds in general (while I don't own them, I have a lot of sighthound experience).

     While I won't agrue that they are intelligent dogs, they are not always "easy to train" dogs. Their drive tends to be all about prey and they have a very different temperament than breeds which excel at dog sports. Obviously some Whippets do excel at dog sports but IME they are the exception and not the rule. I feel the program gave a bit of a false idea about how easy they are to train for performance events, as most are just not that into such things. A dog friend of mine had Whippets and one year for the Whippet National she did a painting of a Whippet laying on a couch and donated it for the lowest qualifying score in Obedience LOL. You need to use positive training (I'd suggest clicker training) early on with a Whippet puppy to teach them that working with for training is fun and something they want to do. I want to stress that it isn't because they are not intelligent but rather because they are a fairly "specialized" breed and what they are specialized for doesn't require taking direction from humans.

     As for the multi-block walk on lead every day - it would be far prefered to allow them off leash running time in a safe place once or twice a day. Sighthounds are sprinters and as such, they can and do burn off energy very quickly when allowed to run. A couple good running sessions a day will be plenty of exercise. Walking isn't bad to do with them but it is no replacement for running either. While it is claimed that sighthounds can never ever be off lead in an unfenced environment, I haven't found that to be true in all cases. I have known people with Whippets and Greys both that were fine to walk off lead in feilds or the woods. Obviously you wouldn't want them off lead where they could easy dart across the road after something (I'd not want any dog in that situation) and it would depend on the individual. I would be careful about dog parks, as some may view toy dogs as prey.

    • Gold Top Dog


     I would be careful about dog parks, as some may view toy dogs as prey.

    Yah, I'm not sure I would trust them at dog parks though that goes for a lot of sight hounds.  To many of the smaller dogs can look like prey items scurrying around, especially at a distance. 

     The other thing I have noticed with both whippets and Iggy's is that when playing with other dogs regardless of size, they can be very predatoralial in their play.  The ones I have seen always seem to be rather rough and can be easyily over stimulated by another dog running, and like to charge in, trip and tackle the other dogs nipping them in their backs and necks.  Fine I suppose with a dog who is alright with that playstlye, but I've seen it cause yelping, and snarls alike by suprised dogs in open playgroup settings like a dogpark.