For Kate: Do You Groom Your Dog With a Shop Vac?

    • Gold Top Dog

    For Kate: Do You Groom Your Dog With a Shop Vac?

    Been a fun week and a half converting a full on outside working Pyr/Maremma mix to a house dog.  In terms of hair, she takes after her Pyr side more - but I found the following pretty true for most big furry dogs.

    Giant Breed Grooming Tips

    The secrets to grooming a large breed dog are revealed. With a little work and a few trips to Home Depot, your Great Pyrenees, Saint Bernard or Newfoundland will glow with beauty. [Edit:  or Maremma or Akbash]

    Large breed dogs pose special grooming dilemmas. The Great Pyrenees and other Bernard family members have cornered the market on that special combination of girth and hair. Without a regimented grooming routine the Pyrenees’ flowing white locks can easily morph, soon resembling an electrocuted Komondor on steroid.

    One obstacle to keeping large breeds in the peek of beauty is the difficulty in locating nail clippers, brushes and dental supplies suited to their substantial size. Substitution will have to be made. Still, with a little ingenuity grooming is a snap.

    Body Brushing
    Combing out the Great Pyrenees is a challenge. The high-stung nature of the breed makes them tend to wiggle around during grooming. In fact, these stealth dogs are apt to sprint off if not restrained, sometimes moving up to three centimeters in a single afternoon.

    Your best bet for body brushing or raking is to work on your pet while he is asleep. Avoid active times such as 6:00 to 6:03 a.m. and the 30 minutes after sunset Pyrenees’ devote solely to barking. This breed is known to sleep with its eyes open. When stalking them with grooming tools be cautious. Once you are with in 65 feet of your dog, listen for a train. This verifies your dog is snoring.

    Work efficiently once you begin grooming a Great Pyrenees. You may only have 13 hours before he wakes up. When grooming 140 lbs. of fur bonded together by drool and the occasional tree branch, you must not dally. A weed eater is an efficient option for quickly working your way through the shrubs to the actual hair prior to brushing.

    Nail Clipping
    Clipping your Pyrenees’s claws should be a regular part of your grooming routine. Before beginning this procedure head for the hardware store. Pick up a large metal rasp and bolt cutters. Once claws have been neatly trimmed call in HAZMAT to remove the clippings from your home. Don’t forget the dewclaws.

    Great Pyrenees’ have a multitude of extra toes just kinda "hangin’ out" on their lower legs. Hiding amongst them are a total of six massive curly toenails. Each is so large it makes a valosaraptor claw look like a minute droplet of Chihuahua snot. Don’t let the dewclaws go unattended more than a few weeks. Negligence will yield a clipping big enough to be used as a spiral staircase.

    Dental Care
    Dog owners often overlook the importants of good oral hygiene. Fortunately, in the Bernard breeds, their mouths offer plenty of room to work in. Take advantage of this trait. You can create ample access to the mouth by simply pulling their massive floppy lips up from both sides of the face. Then, use three clothespins to secure them to one another across the bridge of the nose. You may also secure a single lip to the opposing ear in a similar fashion.

    Once the teeth are exposed insert a shop vac tube under your dogs tongue. This technique is identical to that of the ‘spit sucker’ used in a dental offices. A fifteen-gallon vac should suffice. Once the shop vac is fired up the Great Pyrenees will start to awaken. You will have about two hours to completely remove large pieces of sod stored along the gum line before your dog hits full cognitive thought. At this point he’ll eat the vacuum prior to falling back asleep.

    As a final touch, clean you canine’s feet. Shinny up between the pads with a flashlight, some pliers and a bottle of WD 40. Remove stones, dried bats, milk carton children and anything else not belonging up there. Once this task is done your grooming regiment is complete. Wake your dog by simple uttering the word "cookie.’ By the time you get to "coo" every Great Pyrenees in a six mile radius will be in your kitchen.

    With a little work and a few trips to Home Depot, your Great Pyrenees, Saint Bernard or Newfoundland will glow with beauty. When you combine all this glamour with their high intelligence and magnetic personalities, your dog will be the envy of the neighborhood.

    (credit: By Nola Lee Kelsey on

    • Gold Top Dog

    Not Kate, but thoroughly amused. I groomed a 7 month old, male Pyr puppy, yesterday. He had some packed undercoat in his fluffy butt and tail, general sticks and twigs all over, and.... (drumroll, please?) his previous groomer NEVER trimmed his nails. The puppy has to weigh roughly the same as I do, so.... I lifted him into the elevated tub, bathed him, slapped on some Best Shot, waited my 15 minutes, rinsed. Rinsed. Rinsed. Rinsed, and force dried. Then, I put him on the table, and the fight started. I swear, if he's not better next time, he's going to turn me into a pancake.


    I probably could have used a shop vac and some WD 40. It was a sight, I'm sure. Actually, I might request the footage from the shop's security camera be put onto a disk, so I can burn it.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Does this work with Labs also?


    • Gold Top Dog

     BWAHAHAHAHA thanks for the laugh!  That's priceless, Becca.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I like the idea of the weed eater to get through the shrubs caught in the hair.  That was about right with poor Lu - her butt, anyway.  She had gotten to where she couldn't turn to groom herself back there and it only took a few weeks for it to get crazy bad.

    I found this when looking for a serious web page describing how to groom a Pyr.  The GP club has one, which I thought was neat, but strangely it was really unhelpful.  It had a section for pet grooming, which was really unrealistic (if you brush with a wire brush once a week your dog's coat will need nothing else - ha!), and then a section on show grooming which didn't have any pictures to follow.   Often I can pick up pointers from the show grooming side of things if there's pictures but I couldn't understand what they were talking about.  They did have an interesting section on dry bathing which I might use come shedding season. 

    I think I'm almost ready to bathe her.  I've got almost all the dead undercoat brushed out.  I didn't dare do it while there was so much underneath - it would have turned into felt.  I made that mistake once last year when I had a BC/Pyr mix with the Pyr type coat.  He'd been sick and had blown a huge amount of coat.  I wasn't super careful about brushing it all out and bathed him and turned him into one massive felt ball.  I had to soak him down in MTG to get through that mess.  Oy.  Lesson larn'd.

    I can't wait see what she looks like after I've used Zhi's Earthbath on her and the emu oil spray. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    emu oil spray. 


    OK I can't let that one slip by.  Emu oil spray?! LOL.

    I'd love to see pics of Lu when she's been fully primped and fluffed.  Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Depending on how I feel when I get back from my pre-op, today should be her big day.  Unfortunately, it's story weather outside so I won't be able to get really nice pictures.  We'll see whether my camera is behaving today.   I need to get some pictures of something Gus does that's really cute, too, in this house, before we move, because he won't be able to do it in the new house.

    I love Kenic grooming products.  Kenic Emu Spray has been my friend for years of rescue work. 


    • Gold Top Dog

     Is it just a general conditioner-type spray?

    Looking forward to the pics. :)