Tell me about JRT's

    • Gold Top Dog

    Tell me about JRT's

     I am such a glutton for punishment.. *sigh* I've been looking at different breeds for my next pup and I have a specific list of things I need in a dog.  Well I went to my training club for the halloween party and it turns out one of the trainer's knows of a guy getting rid of JRT mix pups. I know they're not pure cuz they look like they have a little bit of Chi in there. But there's one little girl left that I can look at and since I'm looking for a working dog, the guy is willing to give her to me for free... The guy has already been checked out by my trainer, he's even asked her for advice on people inquiring about his dogs so she's met the litter and recommends them. She also has a pure JRT so she's willing to help me out with her. She's also offered to drive me up there to meet the pups and mum.

    I was really looking for something a bit bigger since I've never really thought of a small dog before but I'm not against them. The JRT was on my list of dogs to research.  I know I'm wanting one next year but the guy is willing to hold on to her until I get my part time job (which is GREAT!) Alex has already agreed to her and says it's my choice.  Maze is fine with pups so she's not a  problem and her training is coming along great. I know I can handle training two dogs at once for the same thing.. I won't be alone in the training anymore so I'll have help..

    Well the guy that has the pups is gone for 10 days so if in that 10 days, I get a part time job, I may have a new little girl in the house..  Is there any specific I should know about the JRT? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    They are active little dogs. There is one that Casey plays with at the park that runs 3 miles next to the bike to get to the park, and back home, and they play for a few hours. They are SUPER smart - and very drivey. They can have a high prey drive - they are terriers.

    They are smart - they pick up on everything. They can be a bit on the aggressive side if not socialized well from puppyhood.

    That said - I love em, but they are NOT for everyone.

    • Gold Top Dog

     The girl I was offered is about 4 months old.  Can they be taught to leave cats alone? Or will my cat have to beat her up a couple times. Lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Puppies in general are obnoxious with cats - at least all of mine are! After a few good bops on the head - they should be fine.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Were these dogs mixed like this on purpose? It's a little concerning to me...

    anyway, I grew up with JRTs. Pretty cool little dogs, but i don't think i would ever get another. My mom's girl, Ginger is 10 years old and still extremely energetic. She's a good girl, very sweet to people but highly dog aggressive. She cannot be around my mom's 14 year old beagle because she attacks for no reason. She is fine with my mom's other jrt, who is probably 6 years old or so. I worry about bringing my dogs over, because she has attacked kaiser before. Ginger is also very obsessive. She tore a hole in my mom's carpet because when they were replacing the vent, they left the cover off and her ball rolled in there.

    I doubt Ginger came from good lines...she was a BYB, and so was the other JRT...but we didn't know better at the time and thought that was the only way to buy a dog. So, that might account for the temperament problems.

    But, very smart dogs, very athletic, and very sweet.

    ETA: my mom's JRTs do NOT mess with cats, lol. One swipe with claws when they were little and they never went near again!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    The only reason I suggested it was that you wanted a dog to work. They're a dog that needs a job, and a lot of consistency. I think you'd do great with one. Do have your trainer look at the specific puppy.

    FWIW, I've seen some pet quality dogs who looked Chi-ish, without being mixed. The shorter faces happen, sometimes.

    • Gold Top Dog

     My trainer has looked at the specific puppy and actually she's the one that recommended the pup to me.  

    Ah! I didn't know that about the pet quailty, so she may be pure after all. I'll have to get some pics to post once I meet the family.

    I'm ready for the hyperness of the JRT. Lol If I can handle Maze at her worst, I can handle a JRT. Besides if I did get the pup, she's start training and socializing the day I get her pretty much. She's a bit on the timid side but nothing I can't fix.

    Thanks for all the advice. Smile I'm sure Kameo will teach her a lesson pretty quick. Lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I actually know a few Chinese Cresteds with Chi type heads, and a good several Poodles with that look. I think it's something that exists in small breeds, but is bred for in Chis.


    If your trainer evaluated the dog, and she's going to suit your needs..... why not? LOL They're fantastic dogs. Totally trainable, super smart. They're not bred to work with people, so it isn't like working with a BC or a Golden, but.... it's a heck of a lot of funWink 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Well I want a dog that can work away from me. Smile Maze is to clingy so I have to work at her to get the distance away from me.

    Right now I'm thinking I will get her but it depends on whether I find a P/T job or not will make my final decision. I don't want to bring a pup in the house when I can't afford the supplies.

    ETA: I found a picture that looks similar to the pup I'm looking at.


    The pup I'm looking at has more brown and a heart shaped patch on her back. Also her fur seems smoother then this one and her face has the Chi feature. But other wise looks quite close to this one.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Considering you have just started thinking about getting another dog, where planning on researching and waiting a year I'd probably suggest passing on this puppy. No reason to jump into a breed (or mix) right now before you've actually decided what you want.

      That said the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America has a wealth of info on their website for people considering purchasing a JRT:

    They even have this online quiz:

    • Gold Top Dog

     IMO, I would pass on this pup, your life sounds to me a little unstable. Get the job first,have it for awhile, get situated then get a dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm still up in the air about the pup.  The job isn't that important since I really don't have to work but it's more of having my own money to work with. Alex is willing to pay for the pup but I'd rather he didn't this time. He's paid for almost everything for Maze.  That being said, I still have 10 days to decide on her.. Hmmmm

    • Gold Top Dog


     Considering you have just started thinking about getting another dog, where planning on researching and waiting a year I'd probably suggest passing on this puppy. No reason to jump into a breed (or mix) right now before you've actually decided what you want.

      That said the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America has a wealth of info on their website for people considering purchasing a JRT:

    They even have this online quiz:


    Thanks for the links. And I've been thinking about adding another dog since Maze turn 2 in April. I was gonna wait the year due to the size of a dog I was looking for but since this pup is smaller, I don't mind bringing her in to the house.