What's your favorite guard breed?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What's your favorite guard breed?

    I'm in no way trying to condone people using their dog as a weapon or as your personal body guard. Just thought it would be fun and maybe even educational to see what people's responses would be! Big Smile I'm not refering to livestock guardians althought alot of those breeds make great protectors too! I guess I'll start:

    Name: Canis Panther

    Height: 27-30 inches

    Weight: 120-140lbs.

    Why I like it: Very athletic, easy to train, very muscular but not bullish looking, somewhat like a broader dobie, short coat, excellent health, no drool and just gorgeous!



    • Gold Top Dog

    Can you define "Guard breed"?  Personal protection, alert dog, livestock guardian, farm guardian, household guardian?

    For a household guardian dog that I'd trust with my kids, and anyone else really, unless there were a clear and present danger - Leonberger wins hands down.  An impressive yet fun and goodnatured dog.

    Farm guardian, Johnny-fell-in-the-well type dog - either Catahoula, Spanish Water Dog, or English shepherd.  Probably SWD.

    Personal protection: Ring-trained Bouvier.  Now there's a freakin' scary dog.

    Alert dog:  any random shepherdy looking mutt.  got two great ones right here - one old and one in training.

    Livestock guardian:  Well, duh.  Wink  Maremma sheepdog.  I doubt you were asking that but I just gotta put in a word for one of my fav breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I suppose household guardian would be a fitting description. Yes

    • Gold Top Dog

    Dobie and german shepherd, no doubt! My RR seems to be a good guardian as well, although i wouldn't think typically considered a "guard breed"

    I also like cane corsos and presas!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've always been very impressed with the way a chow guards; very quietly so the "intruder" doesn't even know they are there until it's too late.  And, they position themselves perfectly in the room to guard, be it in front of the doorway or at your side.  In our ranch home, Willow has found the perfect spot in the hallway where she can see in almost all the rooms at once,


    • Gold Top Dog

    What lives in my house;  Belgians, especially malinois.  There is nothing quite so intimidating as a dog leaping eye level, with noise and full dentition, who immediately stops and stares when owner appears.  This is after 26+ years in dobes, the primary difference, Belgians are so much more biddible than the typical guardian breeds.  I like the speed of light reactivity and the intensity.  Somebody with intent is likely to just go some where else.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I also like cane corsos and presas!


    Gotta agree with that!! I would love to have one of these breeds if I ever got out of the sporting dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Border Collies Big Smile they're not a 'guard breed' but they are great dogs, my Tucker only barked when people came into our yard - especially at night. Other then that Pit's, Akita's, and other larger dog's.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Other then that Pit's, Akita's, and other larger dog's.


    Pits aren't a guarding breed.  Wink


    Gotta go with Corsos here. I've always thought they were awesome dogs, and I'd love to have one someday.  American Bulldogs are probably second on that list.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Neo Mastiff. I pity the fool who tries to break into their homes. :)

    If Frankie was a breed then he would be the best, however. He is my tuff little terrier who is only 50lbs but isnt afraid of anything or anyone.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Cane Corsos. Hands down.

    We had one surrendered to the shelter who was the SWEETEST dog in the world. She was horribly bred, needed all kinds of hip surgery, medications, etc. - but she was an amazing girl. Beautiful, gentle, calm, loving, but very impressive looking.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I really, really like the dogue de bordeaux. I walk one a couple time every week and he's the BEST!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Bullmastiff. I love bull breeds in general and thes eguys are serious about their work.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Rottweilers first and foremost. Then Bullmastiffs and Cane Corsos. I met a Corso recently and that was one cool guy! I also love some of the LGDs... I think if I ever got one, it'd be an anatolian or a CAO. I'm probably never going to get one, though. ;)
    • Gold Top Dog


    Pits aren't a guarding breed.  Wink

    They may not be, but they're dang good at it. Big Smile