Irish Red and White Setters

    • Gold Top Dog

    Irish Red and White Setters

    The Irish Red & White Setters have received full acceptance into the AKC effective January 1, 2009.

    So if I get one before then can I register the pup with AKC in January?  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gina would know the answer to this.  I assume at this point they are FSS?  So there's paperwork that goes with that, that the breeder has to be up to speed on.  I don't believe that you can show in conformation however until some hoops have been jumped.  The Leos are doing this now, it's quite interesting.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If you get one now from a breeder who is in favor of the recognition, it should come with FSS paperwork instead, which you can either send in or will be replaced with regular paperwork in January.

     I'm not sure if there's a split in folks who were in favor/not in favor of the recognition, but chances are fairly good that if you get one from a breeder that is planning to show, he/she will come with his/her paperwork to be registered and you won't have to do anythin more than send in the puppy paper.

     Is this going to be your show puppy? :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes I would like to be getting one to show. Reading up on everything and talking to a few people right now so I will be ready for a pup. It might not be till the first of the year before I get a pup. But that is just more time for me to get ready and prepared.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would love to see one.  Got any links  to recommend.

    • Gold Top Dog

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow what a beautiful dog.   I loved the puppy pics.  Very iresistible, no wonder you are getting prepared. Thanks for sharing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    FSS transfer over automatically...once you get into the Misc class you can show conformation...before that any performance event.

    You can also right when you get your in conformation with UKC and INTL since both registries accept and recog your breed already.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Im having a hard time finding a breeder that I like. Anyone know where I can go to find breeders? I looked at the Akc site for breeders but they only show Irish Setters.

    • Gold Top Dog

    UKC lists this person...the only one listed...there is someone who has them on my Texas list so lemme check and see who..

    • Gold Top Dog

    Kimberly PM me your email, and I can give it to the folks on my list who responded...they do have contacts that they themselves would get a dog from so they sound on the up and up.

    • Puppy
    when you are inquiring about IRWS, make sure they are recorded/registered with the AKC FSS, which can be also checked and verified via AKC site, make sure pups/litters carry a AKC FSS number.
    Come Jan1, 2009 AKC will exchange the AKC FSS recording paper with full AKC papers.
    Right now we can only show AKC Miscl. class and performance events.
    Jan 1, 2009 we will have full Ch. point status....
    Hope that helps
    Waidman Irish Red and White Setters
    Christina Phillips
    • Gold Top Dog

    I really like how these look.  Is anyone doing a lot of non-breed-specific performance with them - ie, agility, flyball? 

    • Puppy

    You don't have to wait until Jan, 2009, all pure bred IRWS are already and should be recorded/registered with AKC FSS and will keep their FSS numbers, which are just AKC numbers.

    Do no tbuy one that does not have AKC FSS, unless it is an import with export pedigree and paperwork.

    Christina Phillips

    Waidman's IRWS

    • Puppy
    Foremost, they are a hunting dog, but they are doing great in obedience, agility, rally, even have one with a tracking title, dancing, have several sled teams, rescue work ........
    Waidman Irish Red and White Setters
    Christina Phillips
    Modesto, Ca.