German Shepherds- Your favorite color?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Here is the white GSD I rescued about 2.5 months ago.....he is a beauty...

    But, this is really the favorite look of a GSD for me.....I also, prefer a good thick stock coat...both pics are Tanner, and he is listed as black and red....

    • Gold Top Dog

    All Black

    All White

    • Gold Top Dog

    For the white lovers, this bitch went Best in Show at the last conformation show I attended.  It was so cool!  The handler (presumably the owner since you cannot use pro handlers in UKC) was so surprised and she cried.  I'm not sure how AKC works, but in UKC for Best in Show they have three judges look at all the dogs and then I think they score them somehow and that's how the winner is picked, so it takes quite a bit of time because the dog has to be stacked and hold still for THREE judges to inspect and put their hands all over the dog.

    GRCH Royal Spasz Von Tasz



    • Gold Top Dog

    Gosh I hope mine can grow a coat like that.....when he came to he was skinny as a rail and had bald spots......

    • Gold Top Dog
    Black sable. So pretty! If I ever get another GSD, I want a sable.
    • Gold Top Dog

    .....I also, prefer a good thick stock coat.

    I notice the whites don't seem to have that.  Am I just not looking at the right thing??

    BEAUTIFUL pictures everyone!

    • Gold Top Dog


     I like black sable

     and Red/liver



    Aha- so that's what that color is called.  There was a young GSD in the last session of classes that color.  I'd never seen it until then.


    • Gold Top Dog


    I notice the whites don't seem to have that.  Am I just not looking at the right thing??


    The closest I've ever been to a white was at that show, so I'm not sure what their coat is like, but for the others there is the stock coat, the long stock coat, and the long coat.  The "stock" coat is the normal coat, must have an undercoat.  However, there are dogs with shorter, "tighter" stock coats and dogs with "plushy" stock coats.  Kenya has a short, tight stock coat.  Most of the west German show dogs have the plushier stock coats (they aren't long coats, but they LOOK fluffier and often have more undercoat and it's more noticable when they are blowing coat and out of coat, with Kenya I can't even tell, there's hardly a difference).  The long stock coat is a long coat with an undercoat.  Cassidy'sMom and FourDogsRule both have a pair of long stock coats from TeMar.  Since it does have an undercoat, the long stock coat can be shown in UKC and now in SV.  The true long coat has no undercoat and is very undesirable because in order to work in rugged conditions the GSD needs that undercoat. 

    tight stock coat (light red sable coloring)

    stock coat (black and red)

    long stock coat (red sable)


    So I think whites usually have a stock coat but some are tight and some are more plush.  Also, if a dog is blowing coat or out of coat, the coat can look totally different.  Not to mention how the dog was groomed if it's a show pic.  If I dry Kenya backwards with a high velocity dryer, she looks a lot more plush and appears to have a lot more coat than she really does.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Tanner has a short stock coat except for in the winter time when he really gets hairy around his neck, his tail fills out more and his butt gets really fluffy, but all that hair usually comes out during shedding. Rumour is somewhat of a more plushy nature, even after he shedding does he keep a fluffy butt, his tail is always fuller than Tanner's and so is his neck.

    Here is Rumour this summer...the butt and below is more plush than on Tanner


    • Gold Top Dog

    I think if I had one I'd want a white female.  I notice though there is a difference in the personality of the sexes --the females seem timid and shy.  I wonder if this is the normal or I just happen to have two females I sit for like that--they are from different families. 


    Neither of mine have a shy or aloof bone in their bodies! While being aloof or reserved towards strangers is perfectly acceptable in the breed, shyness is not. Dena & Keefer are both much friendlier than is typical or even desired by many people with shepherds. I personally love that they love people and are very social with other dogs, I wouldn't have them any other way.

    Both of them are very sweet and affectionate, but Dena is probably the more people friendly of the two. Keefer is an attention whore who will bump her out of the way so he can have it all, and he loves hugs, even from strangers, but she is much more likely to get excited when she sees a person approach and jump up to kiss their face. She also barks at the doorbell, (he never does, he barks at "stuff";), and she's more excited when people come over.

    Keefer is definitely more bold and confident. Dena is more of a thinker when it comes to trying new things. Not timid, but maybe more careful would be a good description. Keef never stops to think about whether or not he can do something, he just does it, and either it works or it doesn't. The first time Dena tried jumping into the back of the SUV she didn't quite make it, and it took her a few weeks to get the confidence to try again. The first time Keefer tried it he was much younger and smaller than she'd been, and he bounced off the bumper and fell to the ground. Then he picked himself up and tried again and that time he made it.

    That, in a nutshell, is the difference between the two of them - but he also had the advantage of her to show him the way. He was swimming several months younger than when she first tried it, actually the first time he was near water deep enough to swim he was out there swimming. She'd been wading for several months before she swam for the first time. Pretty much whatever she did, he followed right behind her and did it too, even as a young puppy. Dena didn't have anyone to follow and learn from so she had to figure things out for herself, but I think she'd be more cautious anyway, it seems to be in her nature.

    She is calmer, more easygoing, and less drivey than he is. He is very energetic and very enthusiastic, and never seems to get tired. He can settle down and entertain himself just fine around the house, but at the park his motto seems to be "I'll rest in the car on the way home". Cool

    Liesje, that is a gorgeous white shepherd!!! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Cassidy'sMom and FourDogsRule both have a pair of long stock coats from TeMar.


     That's Fouriscompany (Carla) with Jaia and B'asia, who are related to Dena & Keefer.

    And I recognize that last dog, that's the famous Taser!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Cassidys Mom

    Cassidy'sMom and FourDogsRule both have a pair of long stock coats from TeMar.


     That's Fouriscompany (Carla) with Jaia and B'asia, who are related to Dena & Keefer.

    And I recognize that last dog, that's the famous Taser!!!

    Thanks I could not for the life of me remember her name and it didn't sound right, in my mind I just know her by her first name Carla.  I never see her posting anymore....

    I love that pic of Tazer!  He is droolworthy, as are Jaia, Basia, Dena, and Keefer.  They all have such amazing coats!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a thing for the long coats....any color except all black or all white

    • Gold Top Dog

    This dog is actually a black and tan.  His coat is just sunburned, hence the red tint.


    ETA: Oh, and I like sables ;-)

    • Gold Top Dog

     A long coated black and red...