Is this a Pointer?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is this a Pointer?

    This is my neighbor's dog.  I think it's a GSP, but it's HUGE.  Maybe it's just fat.  I can't ever get close because they put it on a tie-out and it lunges and barks and growls at us non-stop.  When it is out, I keep a rake in my hand in case it ever snaps loose and comes after us.  Both my landlord and these neighbors have big yards so this dog isn't very close and is up on a hill, hence the long zoom.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Oops, here


    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks like a GSP to me!  We see quite a few of them around here.  I think they're gorgeous dogs, especially when they're kept in good condition.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     yea that's a GSP - I'm sure it happens but it would be unusual to find and aggressive one - human or dog.

    They shouldn't be huge but there was a member on here that said hers was 90lbs and he didn't too fat, he was a BIG boy so this one could be one of those type

    • Gold Top Dog

    If it's a GSP than it's a fat one.  Can't see it well in the pic, but the dog has an abdomen like a barrel.  Based on that and how tall it is, I think it weighs considerably more than both my dogs.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    If it's a GSP than it's a fat one.

    From the pic I can't see it as anything else.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yeah it does look fat. I always look at the size of the legs and feet compared to the barrel (when you can't see ribs, waist or anything else.)

    My experience has always been that they are hard dogs to get fat, but maybe the tie-out explains that. Lexi needs like a billion calories to keep weight on even when she isn't doing anything. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    The tie-out could also explain the aggression.  Since it's tied out on the side, it can also see the front and barks and lunges at anyone who passes on the street as well.  Perhaps it needs a lot more exercise.  I see them walk it, but only around in circles on their own property. I am not familiar with GSPs but the ones I've known have been quite high strung and needed a LOT more than being left in a yard.  In fact our friends did just that and the dog basically went crazy, even had to be medicated.  I never understood why they didn't just EXERCISE her, or why they got a field hunting dog in the first place...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi, I am sure he is a GSP......have been interested in both GSP and English Pointers for a long long time....GSP's need loads of exercise and usually are lovely kind dogs.....he is obviously tied up for to long.....he needs to run and disperse energy, he would loose some of that excess weight then!

    Such a shame to be tied up for a long time especially a breed of his kind......even though he is a bit weighty he looks  beautiful boy!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yep, that is a GSP. You said it was tied out? and aggressive? That breaks my heart. I can't imagine tying a GSP---fence? YES!!-- but tie??? My dog would kill himself on a tie out.

    My Gizmo is a big considered a big male---he's tall and weighs 67 pounds and the weight range is supposed to be 55-70 pounds. They are supposed to have a deep chest and an obvious tuck.

    This is what Gizmo looks like:

    gizmo standing



    • Gold Top Dog

    That is definitely a GSP!  If your neighbors wanted a dog that was happy just hanging around the house (in or out) they did not get the right breed.  GSPs need to run and run and then have a little run, every day.  When they do they can be wonderful, cuddly house dogs.  Morrison is about 57 lbs. and is taller than my 94 lb lab.  Other GSP folk tell me that his "chest hasn't dropped yet", I don't really know what they mean but his chest seems plenty big enough to me.

    Here he is doing what every GSP loves to do:

    P3300019.jpg picture by skimmelman

    I hope that your neighbors learn that their dog needs more things to do and more interaction.  I feel really bad for the poor guy, little wonder he is seemingly aggresive.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The VanMorrison photo cracked me up! I love the ears---they really flap in the breeze when the dogs are running hard.

    I just had to add this one of Gizmo with his ears flying:

    gizmo ears


    • Puppy

    Same question different dog.  This dog is a rescue she looks to most like a pointer. She does have a deep hound bark occasionally.


    • Puppy

    she is 7 mos 50 lbs

    • Gold Top Dog

    Her tail, head and ears definitely look GSP shaped to me and there are a lot of black and white GSPs.

    Her mix is something stockier and larger than a GSP though as she had a broader chest, thicker legs and more filled in chest than a GSP her age would have.  Maybe some small lab in there...