atlas terrier?!!!!???

    • Gold Top Dog

    atlas terrier?!!!!???

    i had never heard of this breed before (strangely), and today i came across it while i was really bored, checking out what wikipedia had to say about jack russells...


    i guess they're just a non/limited white jack?! it blows my mind really- they're super cute! but i know how strict the jack clubs are on appearances, so i imagine they're freaking at the thought of these dogs...


    who can tell me more about this breed, if there is more to know (does it differ from the JRT/PRT in any other way than colour?)

    also, i'm having a hard time locating a breeder, preferably in Canada. any thoughts?? (get googling everyone lol, i couldn't find much)

    • Gold Top Dog
    OO they are cute. I have heard the name somewhere but I have never seen a picture of them.

    This is what I came up with then I typed in Atlas Terrier into google.

    That site listed says they are a mix of all sorts of terriers, pretty interesting.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Their legs look too long for a JRT.  I am suspecting this is a new designer dog.

    • Silver


    Their legs look too long for a JRT.  I am suspecting this is a new designer dog.

    At first glance, it looked like an oddly marked Patterdale Terrier (cause of the longer leg frame), but after reading more about this so called "breed", I have to agree with you.  So I think it's safe to classify it as another designer mutt.... Confused

    • Gold Top Dog

     Found this, explaining the origins of these dogs:


    • Gold Top Dog

    I thought about the Patterdale too!  Hmmm...after reading the info on them, I would avoid them like the plague. Not that they aren't cute, but they have designer dog written ALL over them

    • Gold Top Dog

    I thought about one, but will probably get a Patterdale instead.  

    • Gold Top Dog


    I would avoid them like the plague. Not that they aren't cute, but they have designer dog written ALL over them


    i have to agree, especially on the "cute" part- which makes it suck lol

    i can't support designer dogs, just like i could never buy a dog from a petstore (altho i've really put myself to the test with that last one- damn their cuteness!!!!) 

    • Puppy

    Atlas terriers are not designer dogs.  The JRTCA does not allow any merle or brindle in their dogs, BUT, brindling and merleing do show up in the Jack Russell lines.  Also, the JRTCA does not allow anything less than 51% white in order for the dog to be consider a Jack Russell. In the past, any dogs that were brindle, merle, solid, or less than 51% white would be culled or dumped in shelters.  The Atlas terrier was established in the late 90s by a woman who didn't believe there was anything wrong with these dogs.

    As for the legs being too long, the JRTCA's accepts terrier 10-15 inches tall, and the AKC's standard is 12-15 inches tall.  As long as their height equals their length they are "standard" JRT.

    My boyfriend has an Atlas terrier that is brindle from head to toe and is built identically to the merled atlas above.  He is 13"x13" and has all the instincts and temperment of a Jack Russell. 

    • Puppy


    I saw your post about your boyfriend's Atlas Terrier and also your Flicker photos and was hoping you or he might be willing to tell me where to find breeders.  I am really interested in the breed and can't seem to find any info on the breeders here in the US.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.  My name is Anthony and you can reach me via email at  Thank you so much for your time and any help you can provide.   Anthony



    • Gold Top Dog

    Atlas terriers are not designer dogs.

    Did you read the article spiritdogs provided?  Is this the woman you are referring to in your post?  Lauren Wolfe?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Justbecause a breed standard prohibits a color doesn't mean it occurs in the breed. The US German Spitz standard that's being proposed may have a line that specifically bans merle BECAUSE it is not native to the breed and has been brought in by crossbreeding in a related breed (the Pom).
    • Gold Top Dog

     On the other hand though, a lot of colors that are prohibited do occur in the breed "naturally."  With labs for example, you can have purebred individuals that are black and tan or that have brindling.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Maybe I'm just totally m issing something here, but I just read the articale Spiritdogs posted, and I fail to see how this is a "desginer" breed????

    • Gold Top Dog


     Maybe I'm just totally m issing something here, but I just read the articale Spiritdogs posted, and I fail to see how this is a "desginer" breed????

    I must be the one who is not getting it. LOL  Does designer breed only mean two totally separate breeds to create a new breed?