
    • Gold Top Dog


    BannedBreed Lover


     i was thinking mastiffs (english and bull) were used in packs? they were anti-poaching-theft-trespassing dogs...?

    Mastiffs (English) were used for guarding castles and estates in Britain, while Bullmastiffs, were used to prevent poaching on estates.  That's where they developed the moniker "Gamekeepers Night Dog". 

    Therefore, Mastiffs were more likely to be used in packs, to patrol the property, but Bullmastiffs had a more solitary purpose.  Often, poachers would have dogs of their own, which Bullmastiffs would have to contend with, along with the poacher.  Gamekeepers needed a dark colored dog (hence why brindle BM's are the preferred color) that was aloof to both strangers and other dogs.  It is because of this inherited trait, why some BM can have same sex dog aggression.

    As a side note, even some Mastiffs can have dog agression, but it isn't as prevalient as it can be with BM's.


    I think the job was for the dog to LIE ON the poacher, not attack them.  Just "hold" them until the gamekeeper got there.  Hence why they are rarely aggressive but they are a massive size.... and, as someone else said, aloof to stranger.  As I say, I THINK Smile 


    i've heard that too but i SERIOUSLY doubt it. i know how much like history books these days will clean things up...... poachers were dirt beneath the land owners feet.... most of them, if the dog didnt kill them, were jailed or killed anyway... so i have heard.

    i need to read up on that too.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just a tid bit of info I came across...

    "The known history of the Bullmastiff begins about the year 1860 in England. The problem of keeping large estates and game preserves free from poachers was an acute one. The gamekeepers enlisted the aid of a dog to aid in guarding off poachers. They needed fearless dogs that would attack on command, for those needs they crossed the Mastiff with the Bulldog, the Bullmastiff was founded. Dogs of dark brindle color were preferred for the work at night. They were referred to as the Night Dog.

    The English Kennel Club recognized the Bullmastiff as a purebred dog in 1924. The American Kennel Club recognized the Bullmastiff in October of 1933. " - http://www.akc.org/breeds/bullmastiff/history.cfm

    • Gold Top Dog


    I hate the whole marking thing that many of my friends deal with their male dogs (even the ones who are fixed).


    My female marks just as much/if not more than my male.... 

    • Gold Top Dog



    I hate the whole marking thing that many of my friends deal with their male dogs (even the ones who are fixed).


    My female marks just as much/if not more than my male.... 

    OT: And if you have a nice lawn how about the fact that females urine kill the grass!!  We have little round yellow grass all over.Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog



    I hate the whole marking thing that many of my friends deal with their male dogs (even the ones who are fixed).


    My female marks just as much/if not more than my male.... 




    Eko is still young and may come into his own, but Sasha is a marker and a half. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    And if you have a nice lawn how about the fact that females urine kill the grass!!  We have little round yellow grass all over.

    Meh. My yard is covered in yellow spots too, but not until Jaz (male!) moved in! Cherokee alone never killed grass. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the two of them literally have pissing matches, peeing on the same spots over and over again, because the other one peed there last...but certainly IME female urine doesn't kill grass any more than male does...

    I prefer female dogs as well, even though my female lifts her leg on every vertical surface. Why? Honestly..it's a bunch of silly little things... IME males are more velcro, and while I enjoy a velcro dog to a point, it gets a little old when the dog's literally under your feet at every second. Male, IMO, tend to be a tad pushier when they want affection. They're also kind of...doofus-y.. again, just IME. Obviously these are all individual traits, and all males don't fit this, I just tend to prefer females. And this may be the silliest reason of all..but...I HATE rubbing male dogs' bellies! Their penis is just a touch too high for comfort. And I'm sorry, but unneutered males are just...unpleasant to look at. They need some pants. Stick out tongue

    Thankfully, my dog-aggressive female dog actually prefers other females. So if/when I get a second dog, as long as I get it as a puppy, I forsee fewer problems between Cherokee and a female than a male.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Yes they can have aggression towards other dogs but when well bred and raised right this is not very likely to be with your own dog. If you have opposite sex it is less likely too. Your BM could have a problem with strange dogs around his/her territory. While I'm sure some can be more prone to DA most I have met get along fine with their own dog pack who they live with, not many problems. If you start adding more packs can get out of order and maybe cause fighting but you will just have 2 dogs right?




    I hate the whole marking thing that many of my friends deal with their male dogs (even the ones who are fixed).


    My female marks just as much/if not more than my male.... 


    I wouldn't say more but just the same.

    I'm sure she hiked and marked at least a dozen bushes, pants, spots and poles today. She also pooped on 3 poles then kicked her legs behind her.