Question about pit bulls in ads

    • Gold Top Dog

    Question about pit bulls in ads

    I usually skim over the pet classifieds in our newspaper, and I see many advertisements for selling pit bull puppies.  What does it mean when these terms are included:  Razor Edge, red nose, ADBA reg., blues, & Gotti?  There may be other terms or phrases used, but I cannot remember them. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    That means Back Yard Breeder, LOL!

    Any ad that boasts about head size or massive build means they are breeding for looks/money and not for the beeter of the breed.

    Typically the APBT is supposed to be a lean manchine, a real athlete but in the early 80's, Dave Wilson the founder of Razors Edge took it upon himself to go against breed standard and start producing these massive, oversized pit bulls because he thought bigger was better. A lot of real APBT enthusiasts have much disdain for him and feel his line has contributed to the decline of the breed. Gotti is just following in his footsteps since Dave hasnt bred for several years.

    The horrible thing is that most of the genrel public think that is what a pit bull is supposed to look and be like.

    This is what a real APBT is suppose dot look like.....a slim 35-55lbs but harder and harder to come by, not to mention kept under wraps and not sold to the genreal public

    • Gold Top Dog

    And I just wanted to state that the reason you dont see as many of the true APBT's advertised is because they dont place their puppies via a newspaper or craigslist. They place them through people at shows and sports. People truly involved with the better of the breed and not in it for money.

    Also rednose, blues and things of that nature is a key sign of their ignorance. Its just a color but they are trying to appeal to people who fall into the fads. Some advertise "rare blues" and jack up the price but they are reallly far from being rare, LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was in a feed store not too long ago when a man was in there to socialize his new "blue" pit puppy. he got from a breeder.  This puppy was ENORMOUS.  I asked how big he was going to get and the man  proudly said, over 100 lbs.  I told him I didn't know pits get that big.  He said that the line this puppy was from do, and that they are making them "bigger and better".  Ugh.

    • Gold Top Dog

    And the thing is Jenns....I bet he didnt even look healthy, LOL. Most I see like that have short lil leggies, fat tummy's and just kinda waddle around, LOL I will never get how that is appealing.

    I also find that for as much as they are trying to come off as having this big bad a** dog the reality is its physical structure keeps it from being anything more then a house dog. They exhibit so the same physical problems as a english bulldog such as soft paletes, bloat and serious respiratory so sad

    • Gold Top Dog

    at least he was socialising it....

    however.... i heard the Razors Edge and Gotti lines have American Bulldog and French Mastiff out crosses... which equals.. listen.... can you hear it coming?


    MAN BITERS!!!!  

    that doesnt mean they all will be that way, but sure, as unhealthy as they may seem, never underestimate the damage they can STILL do.

    my Am.Bulldog hasnt got all the endurance and physical ability that she once had before she broke her back.. but let me tell you this...

    she can still catch a chicken(wild bantam didnt stand a chance)
    she can still catch a rabbit(she's killed two already, loose... out in the open...)
    and she still kills possums and raccoons when they try to come up at night to raid bird nests.
    and she can still force the gate open using her front end which is muscularly ripped like "Ahnald" 

    thats with back injury and weak hind end.
    these hippo dogs dont have half of her problems(yet) so you wont see me scoff at them too much. i dont agree with them but i'll never underestimate them in sickness and in health.

    just steer clear of them. thats the best thing.... dont buy one, dont condone it. educate when you can, and try to promote the REAL DEAL. 


    • Silver


    I usually skim over the pet classifieds in our newspaper, and I see many advertisements for selling pit bull puppies.  What does it mean when these terms are included:  Razor Edge, red nose, ADBA reg., blues, & Gotti?  There may be other terms or phrases used, but I cannot remember them. 

    As a couple of other forum members have already mentioned, Razor's Edge and Gotti are Pitbulls that have been bred to look nothing like what an actual American Pitbull Terrier should look like.  Google "Razors Edge Pitbull Pictures", and you'll get an idea of what were talking about.  Short, squatty and completely unable to have normal movement.  I won't even go on about the detrimental health effects this has on the breed.

    The term rednose or blue nose denotes a color variation.  Many capitalize on this, selling puppies for double the price.

    Finally, ADBA is an acronym for American Dog Breeders Association.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the responses; I knew they were BYB, that's basically what is in the classifieds.  I was just curious what these terms meant.  It is sad how people are changing the breed to make it more appealing to those who abuse the breed as a ststus symbol, etc.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I usually skim over the pet classifieds in our newspaper, and I see many advertisements for selling pit bull puppies.  What does it mean when these terms are included:  Razor Edge, red nose, ADBA reg., blues, & Gotti?  There may be other terms or phrases used, but I cannot remember them. 


     It is just like any other ad in the paper. When you see black labs they are black labs, when you see blue pits they are blue pits. Whether you see AKC, UKC or ADBA reg the seller is just advertising that the pups are registered and with what registry. Red nose is red nose, self explanatory. Razor Edge and Gotti are bloodlines.