Will he ever look like the Little Ceasar Dog?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Will he ever look like the Little Ceasar Dog?

     Max is a 4 month old West HIghland White Terrier. His fur is kind of...sparse.

    I know that the Westie "look" is archived through grooming, but so far Max doesn't have much to work with.

    Here is his pic. Note the devil horns.


    • Silver

       Beautiful little Westie, typical 4 month old look.  His coat will thicken, and he will fill out more.  I swear, all terriers that size look like scrawny chickens at that age.  My Westie did, my Cairn did, and my Aussie did.  From my experiences the coat starts to really thicken after about a year, by the second birthday they are little wooly dogs.  My Aussie terrier just had his first birthday, the coat is starting to get thicker & more wirey.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Gypsy is an Am staff (short coated breed) and she too looked scrawny at that age.  Hang in there--it WILL fill out and he will be a handsome boy instead of the cute little bundle he is now!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My short coated manchester terrier had a thin, see-through coat at that age. He looked grey instead of black because his skin showed through.  It started growing in at 6 months and now his coat is sleek and jet black.

    • Silver

       The picture in my av is a 4 month picture;

      Here's Kaz at one year;

      Quick comb & brush, he is good to go, just like my Westie & Cairn at one year.  Next year the coat will be much thicker & take a little longer to work with.

    • Gold Top Dog
    The other thing to consider is where your dog came from.  A dog from showlines will grow up to have a coat like the showdogs that you can work with to get that appearance, a dog from BYB/Puppy Mill pet stock is unlikely to have that same type of coat.
    • Gold Top Dog

    What a cutie pie!!!

     Since he's still little, I'm sure you've done your research about grooming, but make sure that you take him to a qualified groomer that does hand stripping and carding. This will keep it hard and wirey! It is more expensive to have done, but it is the only way to maintain that "terrier" look properly.

    Oh, also, just a little secret, the westies you see in the dog shows and commercials have been groomed to the nines, using all kinds of hair products (gels, sprays, powders, etc) to get that hair to stand up and in some cases, they even use hair extenstions (some people call them wiggies) to make the coat on the head appear fuller. They are against the rules in show, but not in hollywood.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I would be really surprised if anyone in my area does hand stripping.

    He has a very hard, wirey coat (what a surprise when I first petted him!). He can do in the pond, then roll in the dirt and 30 minutes later he is white again. It's like magic.

    If I can't find a groomer who hand strips can I furminate him to maintain the hard texture?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I met Maggie, the ceasar dog lol and had my picture taken with her lol.

    She was verrrry soft!!