Name this dog

    • Bronze

    Name this dog

    Hi my name is Greg, I am a new member and I have a question, who can name this breed? I got him from a rescue and I am preety sure what kind of breed he is but...... and for some reason I cannot post ti his photos so you can check my profile for more photos, Thanks.


    Yuka, name this breed



    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks Husky to me.  Size, colors, tail carried high... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    He does look like a black and tan husky, though I'm pretty sure those are considered very rare.  I keep thinking that there's something else that he looks like, but I just can't think of it...  Maybe I'll remember eventually.  Pretty boy!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Jindo? I've been researching them since their a korean dog and I'm half korean.

    • Gold Top Dog

    kelpie? Klee kai?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Im guessing Australian Cattle Dog mix.
    • Bronze

    no he's pure breed:) and he's not husky If I am not mistaken and I think I am right he's an East Siberian Laika.This is a link and he looks exactly like one:)

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hmmm, I actually don't think he really looks like the dog in that link. Why do you think he's a purebreed? It really doesn't matter, he is beautiful and will be a great companion I'm sure.
    • Gold Top Dog
    He is pretty. However I agree with Ottoluv, I dont think he is purebred ESL. Maybe a partbred but not a fullblood. Theres nothing wrong with owning a crossbred dog, they can be just as much fun and entertaining as any purebred. :)
    • Bronze

    maybe that's not the best picture but after that I checked more and he does like Laika, not only looks but behaviour to:) place where I got him, they told me he was pure breeed and you right it doesnt matter:) he is wonderfull just the way he is:) and as to his pictures it was taken on the sunny day and you cannot really see those markings I will post more of his pictures soon:)


    • Gold Top Dog

     How  much does he weigh?  He has the Kelpie look, but usually they have a low tail set and would weigh about 45-50 pounds for the males.  What's his behavior like?  Predatory with small animals?  Herdy? Active or relaxed?  Often, we can tell more by that than by the appearance alone.

    He does not seem to have the spitz type tail carriage, but if you read the description, "East-siberian husky was established by crossing close breeds, primarily Evenki husky and Amursky husky, used by hunters or as sleddogs.  So, the "breed" you describe was formed by mixing several other dogs, which might account for it. Do you live in an area where sled dogs are common, or are you in cattle country?  Location is another clue, especially with the common working breeds in an area.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with Anne.  Kelpies are much more common than the breed you describe, in the US.  Now, if you are hailing from Siberia and just haven't mentioned that yet . . .Smile

    I'd go with a Kelpie mix - possibly with A. Husky/Malamute/Sibe, and possibly even with any full-coated breed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Kelpie was what I was trying to think of, though I've always thought they had shorter coats. 


    • Bronze

    Hi, well he weigh about 70 lbs, and he is verry predatory with small animals and dogs which is to say I have to watch him very close, he goes down to a stalking position and once he is close he barks, with big dogs he is agresive but only to establish dominance, once its established hi is very relaxed and calm, with people he's the friendliest dog you would meet, Yuka is very active dog likes to run but he is obidient, I took him from the rescue in the end of January but in the leash free park he comes back once called, listen when there is a fight and with my voice alone I can call him back, As to his history the people from the rescue told me that he was found by animal control officer while he was running along the woodline in  northern Quebec  so I would say he is from a husky, hunting area of the country. I live in Mississauga, Ontario and here slead dogs are not that common . As to his behavior at home he is cuiet, I and my wife both work so he's at our apatrment sometimes for 8 hours at the time and he NEVER destroy anything (FYI I dont use crate and he has the run of the entire apartment) he sleeps mostly when he's alone. oh and onother thing which may be related, I have place up north by Sudbury and on the last weekend he was with us there , lots of small and not so samll animals around, so one morning when I was walking him along the woods his leash come undone ... and he took of on me when he realized he's not tied to me, my heart started to pound in my chest and I thought I am not going to catch him but no after initial burst o speed an energy he come back to me on his own, which is preatty amazing concidering I have him opnly few months and he's one of the breed that likes to run and hunt:)  which all this and his looks made me think he is a east siberian laika. but no matter what he is he's MY dog which is what's important to me:) and his fur is very silky not coarse:)

    • Bronze

    hi guys I forgot to add few details which led me to believe he might be Laika, first of all I checked the Australian kelpie  this breed looks similar but:) .... My Yuka's tail is different  "husky" like and he "talks" a lot which is so funny, and there is his behavior while walking, he zig and zag all the time checking trees for squirrels and his nose is either by the ground sniffing or in the air, he looks up on the trees for birds and squirrels, and when he finds a squirrel he chases onto the tree and barks and "points" at it like a proper squirrel hunting dog. All that and more  let me to believe he might be a Laika.......... or a East Siberian husky which is the same thing i think.... BTW i got him from Siber Rescue  Ontario which is dedicated to huskies............