Puppy breed guessing

    • Gold Top Dog

    Puppy breed guessing

    My sister in Florida found this puppy today. She's gonna try to find her home, but in the area she's in, plus how skinny she is, it seems unlikely that the pup has a home, or at least a home who cares.

    I don't know if she's keeping it if it has no home..

    Anywho.. I'm just curious what other people think her breed mix and age might be. She's 14 pounds, still has all her puppy teeth.


    (I don't know how to imbed the video in the post, sorry...)

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's very cute....looks like a Pitty X to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Not sure about breed, although she is cute!

    My age guess would be maybe 3 to 4 months old... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yeah, I was thinking shepherd/pit mix, but she's got such big floppy ears..they have to have come from somewhere.

    I was also thinking 12-14 weeks, but I'm not always great with puppy ages, so I figured I'd see what you guys thought about that.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see boxer...  I'd guess about 10-12 weeks.


    • Gold Top Dog

    pit/boxer/maybe a little shepherd.  poor little thing, the whining just makes me want to cuddle or play with her.  she's probably confused and a little scared. hope she ends up in a good place. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks boxerish to me.  ;) 


    Plus she really doesn't know much about dogs, which is funny because she grew up with dogs just like I did, and worked as a vet tech for several years.

     That's not too surprising.  I work at a clinic with several vet techs and quite a few of them don't have the faintest clue of dog temperament, training, etc.  I was actually pretty shocked.  They know all the health stuff, but I know all the training and temperament stuff...lol!  (and when I say "all," I'm obviously not meaning that I know everything there is to know about dog training & temperament)

    • Gold Top Dog



    That's what I think. 10-12 weeks old. Lots of work and attention needed. Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    pit/boxer, or Heinz 57 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not too sure about the boxer...but it's an interesting theory. I grew up with boxers, and while that certainly doesn't make me anywhere close to an expert on them, this pup being part boxer didn't even cross my mind, nor the minds of any of my three sisters. I'm gonna see what my Mom thinks.. maybe she'll see something boxer-like that the four of us missed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see Boxer in her too. Looks like a lot of boxer pups that I see in my area. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Where in FL does your sister live? Location plays a huge role....

     I would not say boxer. I would say shepherd/pit. Lots of pittie babies have big ears - they grown into them.

    Her belly also looks like it's full of wormies - may want to get that looked at Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pit and you name it.  I saw a smooth coated, drop eared, houndy/pittie/shepherdy medium sized, brown-coated male dog going down the road the other day - intact.  It made me think of how at some point you just sort of stop looking for a dominant breed and just call it - Random Bred Brown Dog. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    It made me think of how at some point you just sort of stop looking for a dominant breed and just call it - Random Bred Brown Dog.

    Haha, good point.

    My sister's in St. Cloud.

    If she ever returns my phone calls Confused, I'll definitely point out the wormy look, though she was a vet tech for lots of years, so my guess is she's already noticed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    hm... so I pulled up St. Cloud on Petfinder... and came up with mostly pits and hounds - so that would be my guess now hound/pit mix.

    There also is a yorki rescue there... but I highly doubt that pup has any yorki in him! Stick out tongue