Do you see Great Dane in this dog?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh DPU you know not to trust Wiki! Anybody can put that stuff up LOL. Heck by that form of measure big male or female Beagles grossly overfed and underexercised can be

    • Gold Top Dog

    He is a very sweet and affectionate dog.  BUT, he has the longest greeting rituals I have ever seen.  All the other dogs got bored after awhile.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He doesn't look like a pure lab to me.  I could see Lab/Dane, certainly lab and something more jowly. Even taking into consideration his thinness, he's certainly leggy and not as square as labs seem to be. (even the leggy labs)

    • Gold Top Dog

    He does not look pure lab to me--I do see the dane. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Honestly, he looks like several labs we see that come in for boarding or to the clinic.  I see labs that range from 50 to over 100 lbs all the time.  Its definitely not uncommon here.  I think that if he was filled out more like he should be, he wouldn't look quite as much like a Dane.  He's a gorgeous boy, but my vote is lab, no dane.  ;)

    • Gold Top Dog

     I can see some Dane in that head.  Its more square than a lab.  Also, he is not even close to emaciated from the looks of those pictures.  In the second picture, he looks perfect.  Just a hint of rib with no backbone or hips showing. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh yes, Sampson can use a good 10 to 15 pounds put on him.  His ribs and spine are showing.  Very boney to the touch.  It hard to see in the pictures because he is a black dog.  Maybe this picture will show more.


    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Tough call Dave - the first picture I thought his face had a dane-ish look about it but the coat and tail are definite lab.  Are his feet fully webbed?  This last picture you can see how thin he is and is coat may fill out as his nutrition gets better, the coat in this one looks too short for lab.  I think 10lbs from now you will get a better idea.  He does look a bit leggy for a lab but some field labs are more like that - BUT field labs aren't usually 26" and 90-100lbs.

    Good luck he looks like a real nice dog 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow he's gorgeous!  I would call him a Lab Mix rather than a Dane Mix.  And I think he could use 5lbs or so, maybe 10 but not much more.  Like someone else said, he is thin, but not really emaciated, and being very large and tall you will want to err on the leaner side, not knowing his breeding or health history.  My Coke is about 26" (and his butt is actually a bit taller than his withers) and we had him weighed Monday.  We thought he was 75lbs-ish, I was guessing maybe 80, but the scale said 62!  Yet he is in good condition and the vets like him at that weight b/c he is so tall/big. I still cannot believe he's only 62 since last week DH and I were discussing how to cut back his food b/c he's gotten bigger/rounder since we got him and is now what I consider to be appropriately filled out.  Here he is last night.  His rear always looks thinner b/c he's still growing his hair back after the shave job the rescue did on his butt and legs.



    • Gold Top Dog

     I think I am convinced that there is some Dane in him.  That head of his is huge in comparison to the rest of his body.  I guess his appropiate weight will be when the spine and ribs have a little meat on them.  Also, he does have to get more muscle tone, like Bugsy.  I don't want to downplay his thinness or his emaciated state.  Remember I don't  know how long he has been in rescue so I don't how much he has gained.  I do see he has a pee problem.  Drinks water a little bit over what he should and he does drip after a pee.  I want to keep an eye this.

    I'm in no hurry to get this guy adopted.  He is a licker.  And better yet a licker of feet.  What a massage he gave me last night and for the longest of time. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see the mix. He's beautiful! Dane/Lab. Here are a couple pictures of the same mix:



    • Gold Top Dog

    I was looking at him again b/c he kinda reminded me of something else altogether, and I think it's Pointer or GSP.  There's something about his face and earset that reminds me of a Pointer breed.  He also looks exactly like my uncle's field lab (same face and structure), but she is a bit smaller/shorter.  She's got a longer, droopy-ish, square-ish face and her ears are kinda pointy and set facing forward.


    • Gold Top Dog

    The largest lab I have ever seen was at 116 of pure mucles and he was about as big as that dog in the first pic... BUT... normally, labs are not that big... his size looks like he COULD have dane in him but definatly looks like ALOTTA lab :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    he's very long in body so if he isnt a dane then he must have SOME kind of mastiff in him.... however distant. i dont think it would be too far a stretch to say Dane/Lab. its anyones guess really.



    • Puppy


    I have a great dane and i can tell you that it is a great not even sure if it has lab in it. If it does it must have been one big lab.